Cumbria 4 - Hartside Cafe Sun 31st May mid-day

Hartside Cafe, Alston, United Kingdom. CA9 3BW

Get your Lotus out and onto some of the best driving roads in the area. No routes, no run, make your own way there for some craic and tea / cake.

Probably no good for me again as I will be in Edinburgh.
Just be careful of the motorbikes on the Sunday peeps.

Might be the roads I use but never really had a problem with bikes - good reminder though. I’ll do a Saturday meet next to give people a chance who can’t do Sunday.

Sorry, I can’t do next Sunday either Paul.

A for Effort, that man!
Hope to make this one.

I cant make it, busy next weekend, sorry.

make it the weekend after and I may have the GTE…

:clap: not changing the date though :smiley: Don’t worry there will be plenty of opportunity to show it off.

Sunday 31st is good for me :slight_smile:

Weather looks to be improving at about 1pm . . I hope to make it.

I may come along. Or I may have a diy day. Decisions decisions

You need a rest . . .

from all this posting

DIY - What is that ? :slight_smile:

Get yourself there Tim. I am going to take a run up but not in Shrek as chance of rain :laughing: