Croft T-Shirts... Those that missed out!

OK, somehow things didnae add up… I got the bill paid so that’s cool for me but there were a fee people who missed out on the t-shirts…

…As will be confirmed they are very sexy and stylish

So I was goingh to get some more made up and with the Edwards boys recommended place it should be a wee bit cheaper too!

So please just email me (mark dot mailer at m-theory dot co dor uk) and I’ll get them sorted out

And if this place is cheap and cheerful enough then I’m considering making some more apparel… So if anyone is interested then please say so and I’ll start doing a few more designs

Thanks for the interest and support for Benja and I on this, was pretty stressful and I’m sorry for the price after speaking to the Edwards, next time I’ll be on it a bit more and should be able to get the price down!


It was also a great way to meet you all, sorry if you missed out but we should get you sorted… Now I’ve just got to try and get the cash off of tash before she spends it all! LOL!