Croft - sorting out another Nigel cock-up!



Looks like the application of BF&I*

*Brute Force and Ignorance

Looks like the application of BF&I*

*Brute Force and Ignorance

Oi, less of the brute force, please!

Bloody hell Rob, is that a spanner you have in your hand??

Easy man EASY!!!

Bloody hell Rob, is that a spanner you have in your hand??

No just, a small tool

Bloody hell Rob, is that a spanner you have in your hand??

No just, a small tool

Nothing new there then eh mate

Nothing new there then eh mate

You too, then Dave?

Nothing new there then eh mate

You too, then Dave?

Shhh ! - you promised you wouldn’t say anything !

Are you going to admit just how long it took to take off the rear diffuser, and put it back on again ?
I know various excuses were offered, but which one do I believe ?

From memory, it was probably in the region of 25 minutes x 2.

I thought I did rather well holding my breath for that long - given DaveG’s uncontrollable Olympic standard farting

PS We’ll sort your roof out at the next Buckles meet, if you like

From memory, it was probably in the region of 25 minutes x 2.

After my intense ‘diffuser removal course’ at Croft earlier this year (it was removed no less than 5 times in the morning session)I got it down to under 15 minutes in the end
Should mention that thanks should go to Gav’s ‘pit crew’… and DaveP’s tool kit & jack and Damons gloves…

Well, we didn’t have any decent tools - the socket ratchet was so crap (as it didn’t lock), that we named it a rat [censored]! The gathering crowd of “encouraging” onlookers also hindered our progress, as we had to deal with their heckling too

We need you and Dave to get on the Ferrari F1 pit team that should scupper their championship ambitions

We need you and Dave to get on the Ferrari F1 pit team that should scupper their championship ambitions

Why use two peeps, when Nige could do it all by himself?

I know you and Dave secretly added some lead ballast
I thought it was strange Russ passing me even though he’s a sh+t driver

Chris I think you have found your level at the back now mate. Thats what its like when you don’t cheat!!! lol