Croft M1 Convoy

[Posting again, as the site crash deleted the first]

London Gateway (M1 jct 2) - Shell

Depart - 13:30

Newport Pagnell (M1 jct 14-15) - Shell

[+45mins from London Gateway]
Depart - 14:25

Donnington Park Services (M1 jct 23A) - BP

[+1hr from Newport Pagnell]
Depart - 15:35

Woodall Services (M1 jct 30-31) - Shell

[+45mins from Donnington]
Depart - 16:30

Brackwall Grange Hotel
[+1.5hrs from Woodall Services]
Arrive - 18:00

The times for each stop means it’ll be a leisurely speed limit journey.

May adjust the times slightly to make sure we suit people people (eg. Hopefully getting the Edwards at Donnington)

Who’s in?


Wave at me as you blast past the tractor and trailer combo somewhere between Donnington and Darlington

Post deleted by Admin5

nothing for Croatia?

Is that supposed to be an attempt at subliminal messaging If I had admin power your post would have been filed in the ‘round cabinet’. Get orf moi land

Hmmm, another example of marketing gone wrong.
It’s Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes owners that have small willies!

We Exige owners OTOH tend to be tremendously endowed


It’s Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes owners that have small willies!

But not Lambo eh!


It’s Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes owners that have small willies!

But not Lambo eh!


I wouldn’t bet on that - not that I’ve been peeping of course

I in Ian, just one question… Wouldn’t it be better to go along the A1? Or does it not make much difference?

I’m taking M5, M6, M42, A42, M1, M18 and A1

As thats a regular trip of mine towards Hull I’ve got it programed in my brain - just gotta make sure I get off the M18

Oh for goodness sake! Let’s not get in to the design the route by committee nonsense.

The M1 was picked so people could meet on the way, starting in London, and then there were requests for pick-ups at Newport Pagnell (would be good to hear if you’re still planning on meeting there?), Donnington and Woodall (although not heard from SimonE yet).

AndyD, if you’re passing Woodall (just before M18 turn off) at 16:30 you could lead us home!


LOL! No problems

I’ll see ya at Newport Pagnell

Can I suggest … ehmm … that IDG sets up an service station poll (cos I aint got the poll code)… that way we can guage how many will be at each stop - obviously if by Wed morning there is a stop with no takers we can blat past…

Then again feel free to ignore.

Now runs for cover from potential stoning



Not sure when I’m leaving … have a shed load of work to do, so maybe early or late - but dont wait around for me if I’m not there …


i will be waiting at the Donington services.