Croft July 8 in the sunshine

Went over to Croft at short notice but so glad I did. Had an epic drive from north Lancs across via Ingleton-Hawes on clear roads in brilliant sunshine. On track action looked and sounded wonderful. Plenty of time to catch up with some Exigers. And although I feared jams, school run traffic and doddery old folks in Micras, I got another stunning run back.
One the best driving days in the Exige I’ve had in years.


Can you send that weather down here @thommo

Didn’t last long enough. Sunny at home in Lancs earlier today then rain, rain and more rain. Did I mention it’s also windy?:roll_eyes:

Very lucky with the weather, just one of those Croft days you remember for ages…haven’t processed many pics so here’s the ones I sent to LoT…


Great pictures :+1: looking forward to seeing some more please . Fantastic day and we were so lucky with the gorgeous weather :grin::sun_with_face:

Great pics and some stunning cars👍

What a cracking day it was! Came across this post randomly so decided to sign up :grin:

This was me




Just wondering if anyone has any pictures of my Nardo Grey S2 Elise at Croft.

Only got these, was too busy having a cracking day.

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Just wondering if anyone has any pictures of my Nardo Grey S2 Elise at Croft.

This one? These 2 are all I have…


Hi Paul

I should have given you more details as there was quite a few different grey ones. It’s more of a flat grey ,dare I say it primer grey :joy:

Thank you for putting the effort in though much appreciated :+1:

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Ah yes…I only got one blurred one on track and then this in the garage…must take more pics…

Nice exhaust :sunglasses:

This was my first LoT day… far better than any others I’ve been to.

I was in the light blue Exige club racer if there’s any photos knocking about?


If you do use these (or anyone else wants my pics) , just tag the club @nyloclotus if you would please, thank you :+1:

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Great photos thanks…. That’s even me in the background of the garage photo!

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Saw you. Lovely colour/car combination

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