Croft Chinese Details

DISCLAIMER - I don’t know Darlington. Picking a restaurant from several hundred miles away has proved a challenge. If all goes horribly wrong, please don’t shot me (or my car)!

There are a variety of Chinese restaurants in the Darlington area. Now, I didn’t think a group of excited men were really the idea clientele for the Treasure Inn with its cheap �18 set menu, so I came across here:

Soho Chinese Buffet

Feeling this was probably an easy way to be flexible with numbers, mingling and arrival times (in case of late comers), I’ve booked for about 30. If the restaurant is busy then they will give us a private room (large enough for 50 apparently) upstairs, although this is further from the bar and food. The cost is �7.90 each and we will need to let the kitchen know the number of vegetarians when we get there.

I’ve booked for 8:30pm and will arrange a couple of minibuses from the Blackwell at 8:15pm, to return in time for a nightcap at the hotel bar.

Can I suggest everybody brings about �20 in cash (including some pound coins), which should hopefully cover food and drink.

I’ve added a poll so you can show levels of acceptance or distain (too much and I’ll look for another option).



Sounds like a plan


Please will you add 5 peeps from Tracksport to the list too - ta muchly

Sounds good to me!! Fair play for all the effort!!


I’m in !!

I’ll be there.