Crash helmet query

I am going to be attending my first track day in a convertible, no not the elise but the MX5,
I have used for years a full face crash helmet with a rally peak rather than a visor, is that acceptable or do I need to get the visor kit? I’d like to be running my HANS but there is no cheap way to put harnesses in the MX 5 sadly
This is for the Exiges day with LoT in May

I think the regs require a full visor on it Ade. You’ll need one anyway to keep the dust and rubbish out of your face when following the ferrets around, they use a lot of track…and some more :lolno:

Yep, need a visor for open top.

I’ll counter that by saying I have a couple of friends who regularly drive roofless cars with a “rally style” sun visor helmet, though not with LoT.

It differs TDO to TDO, so best way to be sure before coughing up on a new lid is to ring LoT and ask :thumbup:

If you can get a visor kit just do that. Last trackday I did (pre lockdown :frowning: ) an MX5 driver had to borrow a helmet as they wouldn’t let him out with the peak, this was Oulton with MSVT.

But as said it does vary from TDO to TDO

Personally, I would want visit in an open car to avoid getting hit in the face/eye, especially if there are Ferrets about! I think some TDOs regard a screen as ok with an open face helmet.

Right, going to try and buy the parts from headtec