My Bell Sport 4 helmet is now 5 years old and I have lost the visor which I need for the Caterham. It fits me well and has the FIA and snell approvals. They are also pretty cheap £330. I have no problem paying more as I only have one head but is there any point from a safety point of view? The sport 3 appears to have a better anti-fog visor so it may be worth the extra.
Any useful advice?
Demon tweeks seems to be as good as any as a supplier.
Getting a helmet with the right fit & comfort are more important than price or brand (with the correct approvals, of course!).
I bought my first Hans device around 10 years ago so it’s second nature. They do take a bit of getting used to at first, especially sorting belts, but they’re needed just about everywhere now.
Stilo are nice & very light but the fit and quality still has to be Arai for me , got a new GP6 PED with a caracoat visor I keep meaning to get painted .