Cracked Windscreen

Picked my car up yesterday after it’s 2 month visit to the repair shop! Looked lovely, only problem is I’ve been out in it this morning, parked up and went for a walk. When I came back I got in and noticed a crack about a foot long coming from the bottom left hand edge of the screen. Do you think this could be something to do with the repairs the dealer has done fitting the new front clam? Shall I take it up with them or save the hassle and phone the insurance and get it fixed by them. They won’t be happy with me, I’ve cost them �10,000 this year and it’s only April.

really up to you tom but it is very possible that the front clam is putting pressure on the lower corner/edge of the windscreen… have a look and if this is true then go back to the repair shop and get them to sort it out. You shouldn’t get into argument with them… if you don’t reach amicable agreement then contact your insurer and ask advice - its they who have contract with you.

Do you think this could be something to do with the repairs the dealer has done fitting the new front clam? Shall I take it up with them…

Almost certainly connected with the new front clam.

Often insurers handle screens completely seperately, with no effect on NCB.


Do you think this could be something to do with the repairs the dealer has done fitting the new front clam? Shall I take it up with them…

Almost certainly connected with the new front clam.

Yep they have put the clam on to close to the windscreen which has stressed it and caused the windscreen to fracture -has happened a few times in the past on Elises. Their fault / they should cover it.

Looking at it you cannot see the clam pushing on the screen anywhere, there is a good clear gap around it. I was thinking that they could have damaged the edge of the screen whilst trying to fit the clam and the vibrations of driving have stressed the glass enough to crack.

Does this sound viable?



mmmm… viable i guess but glass usually just ‘goes’ you don’t usually get 2nd chances… but if the clam isn’t on properly and its able to move when you are driving (cornering) then the corner might hit the windscreen?

can you post any pics ?

it could of cracked if when putting the clam on they caused a small “shell” mark/crack by knocking it. If they have it could crack from that just by the heat expanding the glass etc. Check for a small shell or mark on the glass at the edge of the screen. Your insurance will have another excess for cracked screens. I used to work for RAC autowindscreens and have seen that happen a few times.

After sleeping on it, I have come up with another theory. Maybe, when I had my bump and the clam was pushed back it could have stressed the glass then. The only thing with this is, as the accident was in January and I picked the car up in April, would the crack have already shown itself? Or would it have been ok with the car not being moved about much?

Anyhow, I am going to try and get it back to them one day this week and have them check it for me. Better than getting a new piece of glass fitted and have it crack again.



I have heard of several cases where fitting a new clam incorrectly has caused windscreen failure, I would start there.

Go back to the repairers - almost certainly their problem…

Don’t offer them an excuse by talking about delayed accident damage - they repaired the car and the screen broke straight away !!