Cracked cylinder liner ---

Hi guys,

I need some help/advice. In a previous thread ( I have mentioned that my engine coolant was seriously pressurised at Cadwell. To begin with, I was guessing that the liners may have dropped�pretty much thinking too much TBH before getting my hands dirty.

Anywho, the head has now been lifted and to my amazement I have found a crack in the vertical plane down the liner. (Front of liner) Now, it seems that crack propagation has began at the thiner part of the liner and then spread upwards to the top of the liner. The engine at the time was running standard internals but it may have been revved to over 7400rpm, I will need to check my Emerald for the exact figure.

So, why? Why have I managed to crack a liner? Was it an over rev? Too much power for a standard liner? I have had head work (DVA k06A) but surely the internals can handle this?

I will try and get some pictures up tonight, my work PC doesn�t allow me to use Photobucket to host the shots. Any help/advice would be very interesting.

Thanks in advance


P.s engine is a EU2 VVC lump.

sorry folks, it was cylinder four where the failure had occured.



Ouch, sorry to hear that. Dave Andrews is your man!

Photos as promised…



any help folks? Are the liners just weak or is this to blame from something else?

Intersting that it lines up with a bolt …

Think that could be one of the fluid passageways in the head gasket Andy, so on a very similar line of thinking it’s halfway between two bolt holes.

Think that could be one of the fluid passageways in the head gasket Andy, so on a very similar line of thinking it’s halfway between two bolt holes.

Correct, that is a coolant passageway.

However, the bolts were certainly torqued the correct way, as i took so much time over them! I have also checked the sump to make sure that the through bolts didn’t clash with this as i have heard this issue a couple of times now.

Liner height was also checked 4-5thou. Is there a possibilty the liner may have dropped casuing unequal clamp loads?