Corsica lotus MAY 2017

tourist rally in corse in May 2017
from 3 to 8 May
ask for a complète programme as [email protected]
come to discover our magics roads and landscape
a moment of partage and conviviality

Howmany scameras over there?

Wow I’d love to do this! A guy who works for me has family in Corsica and he visits every summer. He absolutely raves about it and says I must go.

Don’t know if I’ll swing it for next year though,…so many plans,…so few days leave or family passes available :frowning:

in May 2012

inMay 2015

Thommo , I and 5 other Lotus owners were blasting around the roads of Corsica only last week, the roads are miles better than any trackday i’ve done, just wish we’d spent more days there.

Just got to watch out for lots of oink oink pigs on the roadside :crazy:

We never saw any scameras up in the mountains.

Sounds like a great trip had by the NORLOG click :wink:

NORLOG and NYLOC, we don’t mind our friends over the Pennines :laughing: :wink:

:laughing: :smiley:

Well,as you’ve gathered from the above the NYLOC crew are back. A great trip from start to finish. Thanks to all those who made it such fun along the way, especially SJW for his route-planning/hotel booking skills and to those other members of the party who turned TomTom plotting into an art form, leaving me to just follow the crowd (and the blue smoke from a certain S1).
As for my S1, I clocked up 50K during the trip and she never put a foot wrong, while I clumsily dislodged the splitter (at least this time it wasn’t in Keighly but in foreign parts).
Covered 2,498 very fast miles from door to door and used a mere 1 litre of oil.
As for Corsica it’;s a bloody long way but the final part of day’s run to the ferry at Toulon was one of the best roads I have ever driven. The island itself had some stunning roads, narrow at times and one incredibly rough but it was a hell of an adventure. And the return through Italy Switzerland, Austria and Germany produced some amazing high-speed drives and views.
Spent today cleaning and polishing and removing the remains of the splitter, tank tape and the cable ties so thoughtfully provided by my travelling companions.
She’s looking good and raring to go . . . where next?

That sounds awesome fella’s, I’m glad the NYLON crew had a wonderful time. In all seriousness I can’t wait to get the car back together and do a few of these. We need a few pictures… chop chop!!!

The organization is made by a friend who life in Corse and we shall not eat in restaurant for tourist but a traditionel (cuisine-) :wink:
more information ask me,

I’ll try put some pics up asap, Jonny

Sounds fantastic!! Can’t wait to see some pics…

Here are some to be going on with . . .

And some more . .

And one we met along the way





And Pesky came , too!

be careful on the road but it are going to finish in our assiète :laughing:

Nice :clap:

Good pics and memories Thommo. :clap:

I wouldn’t say that Corsica is TMR friendly, my Rimstocks took a couple of big hits, so glad I left them at home.

One of my favourite pics taken by Fiona in Austria

Wow just wow :sunglasses: looks like an amazing trip :sunglasses:

S1s just look so awesome on the road like in those pics. We really need to plan a proper trip. Mine is sitting in the garage primed and ready…