contact at Lotus

any recommendations for a contact at Lotus (and phone number) to discuss annoying heater-control-illumination-failing problem?

Cannto help you with a contact But, im keen to find out how you get on with sorting this out, mine has the same issue, i have had the heater controls out to check for anything obvious and found nothing

Still only works when it feels like it

any recommendations for a contact at Lotus (and phone number) to discuss annoying heater-control-illumination-failing problem?

You will be wasting your time contacting the factory until you have given your dealer an opportunity to fix it first. Thats why they’re there after all. When you’ve exhausted all options at the garage you will need to write to the factory. If/when you do, keep the dealer informed if you want to get a result

i thought mine had fixed itself, but it started doing it again yesterday. Lasted a good hour before turning itself off (the lighting), then came back on after I’d stopped for petrol… then went back out after 15 mins, then was on/off randomly for the next hour.

B&C aren’t interested unless it does it while the car is at the garage. Guess what - it doesnt.

Heathcliffe Robertshaw(?) used to do the Customer service job, but has moved on now to another job within Lotus. I can’t remember the name of his replacement but i know it has been mentioned here recently!

Heathcliffe posts on SELOC, so you could try there, or just ring the factory on 01953 608000 (general number0 and ask for Customer Services or the chap who replaced Heathcliffe.