Congrats Benja & Janey

Sprogg (male) number 2 arrived safely today - all involved doing well

Many, many congratulations. You’ll be a grandad, like me, before you know it!



Well done the pair of you, big congrats

Aye to that Mate!

Congrats…3 is so much easier

Thanks guys.

Two healthy sons…it does not get much better than that …well more than 2hours sleep would be nice but that’s just details

Hey Ben - great news - hope everythings going well.

Congrats Ben ! - Just how are you going to get two in the Exige

Yes with two boys I foresee a lot of arguments about who gets to ride with Daddy. It’s a nice problem to have as far as I am concerned.

Rory is already showing a lot of petrolhead promise and the induction of the new one has started by watching ALMS at 3am this morning

Rory is already showing a lot of petrolhead promise and the induction of the new one has started by watching ALMS at 3am this morning

Great stuff

nice one


As above really Ben - mahusive congrats to the both of you.


Congratulations Ben.

Fair play matey, congrats to you and your better half!!!

Congrats from the frozen North


Congratulations mate! Great news!

Almost enough to clean all 4 wheels now too!