Cleaning the debris out from under the seats

Just wondered how people clean all the ming out from under their seats and recoup all the money and cds that fall under them never to reappear. Is it just a case of unfixing them and lifting them out. Been thinking of doing it but don’t want to end up with a loose seat.

Take the seats out or i use an air line and catch the bits as they fly around the car

Seats out if you can be bothered. Alternatively accelerate/brake hard as required to move the bits to where you can get at them

be careful taking the seats out - or more correctly taking the bolts out and putting them back again. The threaded inserts are quite delicate and you don’t want to strip one.

Personally, I’d jack the vehicle up from one side really high and tap the floor from below with a broom - it will move most things to the edge.

That doesn’t work if you’ve got a gay S2 with carpet under the seats

if you’ve got a gay S2(

serves you right then