Circuit Val de Vienne

Anybody driven the Val de Vienne circuit? If so, what’s your opinion as a long weekend trackday venue?

I guess zero replies means nobody has driven this circuit.

Reason for asking is that we’re lookig to buy a gite complex in the Charente next summer. I was thinking about organising some track days (including accom and food) at Val de Vienne to supplement the business turnover out of season.

This is long distance to travel for a track day, so it would need to be for a long week-end or even a weeks holiday. This is near to Cognac and the coast, so plenty to do when not tracking.

Any takers? Mega discount for Exige owners, obviously.

Very interesting

A few of us are in Aubuterre sur Dronne on 6/7 July, before we head North to the Le Mans Classic.


Not sure if we plan to call in on the circuit for a looksie, but it sounds like it might be a good idea

Thanks for your post

I’ve not been to the circuit yet, but from the website it looks suited to cars that handle well - plenty of corners and no mega length straights.

I’ll post more info as I find out

I’ll post more info as I find out


I feel a trackday coming on - in France, around Le Mans time next year

I’ll post more info as I find out


I feel a trackday coming on - in France, around Le Mans time next year

There is one at Abbeville on the way back from Le Mans this year if you want

There is one at Abbeville on the way back from Le Mans this year if you want

Thanks, but sorry no can do, Mark, as we’re going to the Classic in July, not the 24hrs in June this year. We’re having a decent trip though, out from the UK on 2nd July & returning on the 11th.

There is one at Abbeville on the way back from Le Mans this year if you want

Thanks, but sorry no can do, Mark, as we’re going to the Classic in July, not the 24hrs in June this year. We’re having a decent trip though, out from the UK on 2nd July & returning on the 11th.

Your coming back too early, we’re at Le Mans for a trackday on the 14th.

Your coming back too early, we’re at Le Mans for a trackday on the 14th.

I know, I know, I know, but… hopefully in 2007

really nice and technical track, needs attention and momentum to perform well
my best lap between 2’58" and 2’59" exige S1 std on 048R, the straight is gorgeous and goes a bit downhill, the grip is great but not extraordinary, the speed through some corners is however sometimes amazing.
one of my favorites after spa.
longer than dijon, but same feeling of being on a very special track
