Circuit Driver Mag - 29th April Donington

Either the editor, Steve Bennett, or well known racing driver/journo Mark Hales, should also be joining us for the day, & also the evening bash at the Museum.

Obviously, the mag intend using the day for “journalistic purposes”

It would be most excellent if Mark Hales attended.

Maybe mention to Steve Bennett that we will have a photographer there (in the form of the venerable Mr Taperell).

He may however wish to consider paying his TSU Photo invoice from the last time we provided shots to mag for him though …it is easy to ignore numerous chase emails from Tap, it is considerably harder to ignore the 6’4’’ or pure muscle that is Tap in the flesh

so Steve Bennett won’t be coming then

It would be most excellent if Mark Hales attended.

pray explain…unless its embarassing and you just have a crush on him

pray explain…unless its embarassing and you just have a crush on him

I think they’ve known each for a few years, since the time Mr Admin’s TT Exige was voted Track Car of the year by the now defunct CCC Magazine, & Mark was one of the testers along with Phil Bennett & Dave Walker. That was a good couple of days in Anglesey

I was there for that day with my friends Escort Cosworth. We did loads of laps in it everything was great till Mark Hales got in it and broke the gearbox after two laps. He swore he did use the clutch, but we are sure he didn’t, thinking that it had a dog box.

Anglesey is to small and twisty for a powerful Escort Cosworth really.

Bloomin eck - Russ & I went for the day, & recall seeing the “demise” of the Repsol liveried Escort Phil Bennett was bloody quick in the SBD Westfield though

Yeah that was us. I tell ya its a bloody long way from Anglesey to Birmingham on the back of a recovery truck. We got back to our workshop at about 7pm, changed the gearbox and drove straight to Bedford for a track day the following day. Think we just made it before last orders. CCC paid for the repairs to the gearbox as well.

CCC paid for the repairs to the gearbox as well.

So that’s why they went bust!

CCC paid for the repairs to the gearbox as well.

So that’s why they went bust!

Yeah probably!! lol

pray explain…unless its embarassing and you just have a crush on him

Well… for one he’s a genius behind the wheel, and one of the few people Nick Mason allows to drive his McLaren F1 GTR + 250 GTO… he’s a good writer… and a jolly nice bloke to boot. It has nothing at all to do with him voting my TT260 as Ultimate Track Car in CCC magazine… oh no siree… (Also met up with him when my car was in Evo track car of the year too)

That was a good couple of days in Anglesey

3 words: Free Burger Van

I’ve never eaten so many burgers/hotdogs/egg sandwiches in a 48hr period in my life.

Farkin’ cold though