Cheaper fuel

Hope you’ve all been filling the tank and going for lots more runs

Over the holidays I managed to squeeze 72.49 litres in the Mondeo. The tanks holds 70 ltr.

Did you squeeze some into the ashtrays Tim :laughing:

Happy days for the V8 crowd :sunglasses:

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we are still being utterly raped by the taxman!

Mate my car does 15mpg on a good day,…every little helps :smiley:

Yep, it’s true but . . .

Here in New Zealand. Petrol is 88 cents. About. 48 p. LTR No wonder there are so many muscle cars .
Can’t wait to return to GB …not

£88 yesterday from 10miles left in my tank used to be over £100… happy days indeed.

What I win at the pumps, I lose 10 times over on my Oil Exploration shares :frowning:

Yes, fuel is so cheap that the supermarkets can’t keep up with repricing as transportation costs get cheaper. OH, hang on…


bloody tax man!!