CCC - Ultimate Track Car event - Anglesey

If anyone fancies a trip across to Anglesey this Friday 8th or Saturday 9th to watch the event and give me moral support I’ll be happ to see you.For those not aware, CCC magazine have called upon what they call “The Greatest Track Cars”, for some reason they’ve invited me along too [image][/image] Cars competing:Porsche, Lotus, Toyota, BMW, Ford, Subaru, TVR, Caterham, Mini, Peugeot, Citroen, Westield, Tiger, Mitsubishi3 professionals (Dave Walker, erm… and 2 top drivers) will be putting my car and 15 others through it’s paces around Anglesey over two days.If you can’t make it to spectate, the article will be in it’s own supplement in the next edition of CCC (14th April)[This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 07 March 2002).]

Depending on exactly what models and specs the others cars are I would have thought you stand a very good chance of crucifying the opposition. Let’s hope so! [image][/image]

I haven’t even thought about the car winning the event, I’m just happy to be there !The tighter circuit will suit the smaller car, and if Pesky’s driving of Anglesey is anything to go by it should fly around.I do know that Dave Walker loves Exiges, which is helpful.TT will be represented twice, my car, and their demo 190 Elise.If money is used as a weighting factor, the Exige’s rating will plummet (Porsche excluded)

David,The Russmeister & myself will there tomorrow, at about 11.30, come rain or shine [image][/image]Look forward to seeing you there, & hopefully we’ll make some progress in planning “that European trip” scheduled for later this year [image][/image] [This message has been edited by Pesky (edited 07 March 2002).]