Caught speeding

Just had notification that I’ve been copped for doing 36mph in 30 limit.
From the time of day and date, I know which direction I would have been driving: i.e. away from the mobile van which I saw parked in lay-by.
I have been now been able to see the image online and there’s me driving away from the radar van.
Since when have they been able to cop you heading away? Or should I have realised this?
I was hardly tearing the a*se out of it.

Bad luck Steve :astonished:

Ying got caught a couple of weeks ago by a police camera (extremely rare over here!). She was doing 123kph in an 80kph zone. Fortunately licence endorsements don’t exist over here, so she (I mean me) just had to stump the fine… 8 quid, so not tooooo bad :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

8 quid!
I’m looking at £100 , as I’m sure you recall.

You should be offered a speed awareness course at 36 in a 30 Thommo. (unless you have done one in last 2 years)

I did one 3 months ago and was £80 I think and no points but 4 hours long and the coffee was crap and no biscuits :slight_smile:

123kpm on a Tuk Tuk sounds some achievement Rob. :wink:

What a b*gger! When you see some of the idiot manoeuvres committed daily on the roads with no action, the scamera vans really are a joke.

The bad news is that they can catch you from either direction and don’t even need to be particularly ‘in line’ with your direction of travel.

Can you opt for the speed awareness course which might well be offered? Although quite tedious, they can give rise to some interesting facts on how flawed the system is - most of the attendees on mine were middle-aged women who were 2-3mph over…but we also had some guy who had been done 10 times but kept his licence due to the services of a good lawyer and a chap from Mountain Rescue who was on his way home after 48 hours non-stop search-and-rescue callout.

Yep had the same .I was driving passed the local prison at the time …perhaps they thought I was making a speedy getaway in the Discovery.
Speed awareness…well there was a dishy blond there too so that kept me alert!

Yep Speed Awareness, especially fun if you get a good person presenting it. Or fit blonde in the room always helps :laughing:

The scamera vans regularly position themselves near where I live, and they can run the equipment out through the back doors, or over the top of the cab. They do not necessarily park on the side of the road they are scanning, often park just over the brow of a hill, or at the end of a short one-way section where warnings cannot be given.

Clearly you are a honest middle class anglo saxon who can be continuously screwed by the police because you simply pay up menace to society

Thank you, one and all for your sympathy. Sadly, after a previous indiscretion on the way back from Anglesey, the speed awareness option is not available, so “I’ve been taken from behind” to coin a phrase and have to pay for my pleasure.

Yea, I got my first a few weeks back… also taken from behind (oo-eer!) - wasn’t eligible for a speed awareness course as I was going just over the allowance… given what I’ve heard of the courses taking the points isn’t a bad option!

yes :frowning:

Trouble is/(could be) having to inform your insurers of the points…

Never happened to me, kinda think when it does it’s probably fair after over a quarter century of driving (although I consider myself a safe driver…which probably helps with the no points so far I guess)

It’s the sneakiness of camera vans that annoy me, their positioning can be extremely cynical relative to the road and traffic conditions. Yep, the modern kit gets you in both directions and also at very long range. I got tagged a couple of years ago by a van whilst travelling north on the A11 dual carriageway at Brettenham Heath between Thetford and Snetterton. I was driving a 1960’s MG and was impressed by the claimed speed, (87 mph) A requested copy of the photo showed the tail end of a van in the outside lane which was overtaking me. A telephone call on the designated number resulted in the lady getting the photo on her computer screen and she quickly agreed the situation was far from clear and cancelled the penalty notice. I would guess the range of the photo was probably a mile, and he would have had plenty of unknowing customers before the van could be clearly seen.

Since been on a speed awareness course (80 in a 70) which was tolerable as the presenter was mature enough not to treat her captive audience as kids on the naughty step.

Not sure if speed awareness courses are reportable for insurance purposes.

It’s only a tax on law abiding folk who are easily taxable.
Not so easy to bring real criminals to book is it ?
I worked with a traffic cop this week who confirmed speed limits and stopping distances are loosely based on a 1960 Morris Minor on cross plies !

Lol. To be fair it was down a steep hill & she was hungry…Thai life revolves around food, with plans being laid for at least 2 meals ahead. Fortunately it is also a good reason to have another cold Chang. :smiley:


Cue those that live in Aus…

M42 cameras go live Monday. Variable speed cameras wherever they are, are about to get a whole load more bossy.

Wow, didn’t think they could get you from a mile away!!

I’ve heard those M42 average speed cameras and the ones on the M25 are actually on all the time, not just when the speed has been reduced with a temporary limit. Is that the case do we know? I wonder how long it will be before the whole motorway network has those average cameras?