Caught by the Traffic Taliban

Notice of intended prosecutions arrived: 68 in 60 limit Mold by-pass on return from exiges,com.
Not even a fixed penalty, it’s surely not that serious?


Think you’ll get a fixed penalty notice once you confirm who was driving…or if you’re “lucky” an invitation to attend a driving training (I mean awareness) course.

Tough luck, in any event!

They are very strict around there, as I have found out to my cost, if you do end up in court it is in the middle of knowhere!

Sorry to hear about this Steve, was that on the scenic route back ?

10% plus 2mph puts you on the threshold Steve Must have been a scamera?

I think he opted for the fastest route Pete…

Haha yes it seems like it Tim, it’s your fault for giving him the route card. :wink:

Crikey they are keen , 8mph over , surely a speedo can be out that much at 60.

Not good Steve, hope you get offered the course to avoid the points mate

Uff, sorry to hear.

Tell them you were distracted looking for your lost avatar?

Sorry to hear this. Hope it isn’t to bad.
Tried to post a picture of ‘Tora Tora Tora’, but could work the URL thingy.

…there’s a NIP in the air…

I have a speed awareness course this Friday for doing 68 in a 60, the worst you’ll get is a £100 fine and 3pts.

Over 75mph and it’s probably court.

Bad luck Steve. 68 is right on the ACPO guideline so as others have suggested likely to be a scamera.

I actually really enjoyed the speed awareness course and have embraced it. There is a lot to be said for doing the speed limit…that’s a quote from somebody else on here not just me but it’s very true.

Tut tut jonnyboy :astonished:

it is a MAXIMUM, not a target to aim for :thumbdown:

Clearly you were not listening. I’m gonna tell plod you need to sit it again :mrgreen:

Just another tax on the motorist…
ancient speed limits were set for morris minors 50 years ago on cross ply tyres …Totally out of touch , just like our politicians !!

One day I am sure my time will come to be caught, and I totally agree with the above already.

But with a couple of things to add, 50 years ago there were 32 cars - 1 E-Type - 6 lorries, 4 busses and a goat on the UK roads. All of them did about 70mph, down hill, with a following wind, now there is a complete mix of things from the same speed goats, to 250mph hypercars all trying to share the same black bits. And there are one or two million more than that, and driving standards seem to drop year on year.

Personally I’m more worried about where insurance is going to be in a few years time, when having points is irrelevant - as almost everyone will have some - and they come up with a new ‘fairer’ metric to come up with your premium every year.

On the plus side, 5 days or so to go and I will have survived the Anglesey Russian Roulette for another year! Fingers crossed.

Superb, thanks, Feel better already :smiley:

Thanks for your support/sympathy. I have only myself to blame as I was too eager to get past the C3 But thought I’d slowed enough on seeing the camera van but clearly my reactions are not in the Senna/Hamilton bracket…
However, I shall continue to drive at the speed appropriate to the road, conditions, circumstances, and mood . . . .and hope that my luck holds despite this recent setback!