Carlisle Airport Vulcan Fly Past! - 27th.June

Sat June 27th
Carlisle Airport

Have no idea of time at the moment, but probably one of the last chances to see the only remaining Vulcan Bomber fly over Carlisle Airport, visiting one of its brethren!

Surely an event not to be missed!

The café does cracking cake and bacon butties too!!!

Lee is in touch with the airport via his dad to try and organise a special Lotus Parking Area. Sadly I can’t make this as it clashes with Glastonbury but it should be an excellent day.

Find out more here:


Lee has arranged a parking space at Carlisle airport in front of hanger 2, we need to be in position about 2 hours before the Vulcan flys and said we will pay £5.00 per donation to the Vulcan fund. 4 days before we will know better timings.

The Vulcan will fly at approx 2pm so propose we start meeting around 11:30am we will be in front of the main hangers beside the cafe. Please could you put your names down so I can let the airport know how many cars will be attending.

Niece getting married that day so no show from me

Half a dozen from LONE at the minute Lee

Few photos and videos from yesterday

Thanks Lee for sorting out the parking


Fab - really sorry to have missed such a thought provoking spectacle. Even missed it flying over my locality due to us spending the weekend in Liverpool (can recommend the “The Titanic Hotel”).

:smiley: It flew over Grasmere So I managed to see it