Carbon Fiber S1 molded wing

Just wondered if anyone else fancied replacing the original S1 rear wing with an exact replica made in Carbon Fiber?

As I do not travel at the same speeds and the supercharged Honda guys get, I thought the MS version is a bit out of place on the humble K cars! I also kind of like the original shape too!

Compman says he can make them (anything!!), but I think it would need quite a few takers to get the price down to a similar level say to the Reverie S2 wing and other aftermarket rear wings that are already available.

Think it would make a very nice upgrade to the original whilst retaining the standard ‘look’!

Guess not then!

How much are you looking at these costing Pete?

Indications are � 750 for one!

BUT that is from scratch as no mould is there as yet! So lots of work to do…

If this was something lots of S1 peeps wanted, I am sure (hope) the price would come down accordingly!

I would hope this would end up to be in line with the S2 versions… � 350 ?? ish

Early days… I think numbers would lead to a better indication of price!

I love the wing on the Zonda R in the latest EVO… The CF work was stunning in design… would love that look!

Don’t think the MS one does look out of place on the K engined version - it is after all the engine the wing was designed to work with, however, I do know what you mean about it looking a little OTT when parked up in the Supermarket.

Definately interested in a mini MS version, closer to size of existing wing. With carbon endplates? Hmmm…

I love the wing on the Zonda R in the latest EVO… The CF work was stunning in design… would love that look!

Mate I could save you some money, some of this :


…and a pair of these :


A tenner should cover it me thinks

I love the wing on the Zonda R in the latest EVO… The CF work was stunning in design… would love that look!

Mate I could save you some money, some of this :

[image]>> [/image]

…and a pair of these :

[image]>> [/image]

A tenner should cover it me thinks


Seen that… (on ebay?)

If not, Linky pls?!!!

Mmmmm!!! Interesting

Do you think it would work ok? Dont know how well it would go on and perhaps could easily look like a dogs breakfast!

M/S wings look super… but yes not at the supermarket! I am too old for the comments!!!


Gut feel it would have a strong possibility of looking like a dog’s breakfast since it’s curved

I’ll lend you my old wing if you wanna have a practice though without taking yer old one off.

I think another problem with the standard production wing is that it actually acts as more of a air brake than providing any useful downforce. The angle of attack is pretty severe.

this is a great example of gossip as I’ve never done any testing to prove it…just what I’ve picked up from other people!

The angle of attack is pretty severe.

this is a great example of gossip as I’ve never done any testing to prove it…just what I’ve picked up from other people!

Ha Ha!!!

[image]>> [/image]

GREAT shot!

Looking at the airflow over the rear of the car, it is clear that whilst the rear wing is in quite ‘dirty’ and turbulent air, the relative airflow is close to parallel to the fore/aft axis of the car.

I have just got my protractor out (not too bored ) and measured the angle of the S1 rear wing to this fore/aft axis… it seems to be about 23 degrees ‘angle of attack’! This is way over the max lift angle and if so, would actually just be causing lots of induced drag! And if the airflow was modified in a downwards direction over the rear of the car before the wing (as the photo seems to also show) this would only increase this AOA!

Of course this is of the S2, which compared to the perfectly aerodynamic and beautiful S1 is probably a drag bucket

Time for a proper wind tunnel test of the S1 I think… that would be great to set up with MIRA too. I will look into this!

Noticed that EVO say the Zonda produces 2000 kg of downforce… that makes our 100kg seem pathetic really!!

How does the Eliseparts Adjustable Rear Spoiler compare with the full blown MS spoiler as an upgrade for the standard S1 part?
Comes in just under 400, presume that price is just for black gel coat finish…