"Can You Handle It?" airfiled event

Chaps,If anyone is interested, I have a number of places available for this event on Sunday 6th July at an airfiled near Oxford. Organised by Easytrack and Drive Action, the day is a great opportunity to experiene your car on the limit - and beyond - and learn a few tricks from the experts. For heaps more info, please visit http://www.911uk.com/event.asp Places are limited to 22, but don’t be put off by all the Porsches attending! I’ll be in my Exige and there’s also an Elise Turbo (hopefuly). It’s going to be interesting to see how the Loti shape up against the Pork…Feel free to mail me with any questions [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]Cheers,Phil [This message has been edited by X1GGE (edited 30 May 2003).]

hmmmm, nice and local, if my car is back together again soon and there are places left, I will join you !

Sounds like a good day Phil.I would possibly be interested,but would like to confirm if it’s saturday or sunday.Also,do you know who the instuctors are?As in,are they any good,as I would really like to have learnt something by the end of the day.After all,I can practice hand brake turns etc.in my local B&Q car park! [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/wink.gif[/image]

SI - Sorry, should read Sunday. For a review of a previous day, follow this link, it should answer all your questions: http://www.911uk.com/forum/display_topic_threads.asp?ForumID=13&TopicID=556&ReturnPage=&PagePosition=1&ThreadPage=1

now 9 places remaining guys.

Can’t make the 6th, but might be able to find some time to pop along as it is local to me, living nr. Banbury area.Can you let me know which location it is.

Enstone airfield just North of OxfordCheers,Phil

I think I will be going, need to figure out the calander, but I’m real close (Burford and work in Oxford). Tempted to take the Viper and eat all the 911’s. Anybody know what the surface is like? i.e. tyre destruction?-Gman

Woahhh! Now that’s fighting talk!!! You have to come now.Not sure about the surface, airfields are usually not too bad, unless they’ve been left for years and years (like Brooklands)

Phil,just to say that I’ve booked up!Looking forward…should be a good day!(would be good to get a few more exiges out though) [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]

5 places remaining on this guys…

I would have been interested if it wasn’t run by those twerps at Easytrack.

ET are just handling the paperwork, it’s DriveAction that are responsible for the instruction etc.