Can you change your username?

what I thought was funny 10+ years ago is a little less so now, can you change your username? Thank you J

Oh I hope so too! I’d change it on all forums to my actual name, it’ll get the internet warrior in me under control…

Don’t think you can fella’s

I think you will have to register as a new user?

When this site went mad about 10 years ago many of the original members had to change their user name and register as a new user so I doubt you can change your user name. I used to be simply 83man but had to becvome the83man and my user stats, and those of many others, are not a true reflection of how much chaos we’ve caused on here!

I expect admin could do it but then that woud open a can of worms for him as everyone would want to do it.

Thanks for the replies - you’ll all just have to forgive me a **it username then :wink:

I actually think it’s a really cool user name :sunglasses:

Yes it can be changed apparently but not sure if David would want us to change to many names…
Just added an additional S to my user name to try it and it works!!

And now removed the additional S so back to normal