Calling Tim Marra

Hi Mate

Are you around tomorrow? I fancy a run up to your neck of the woods, arriving at Windermere at say 12.30 (could do earlier if that suits). Sorry, but I’ve lost your number, otherwise I’d give you a ring.



Out for dinner tonight, so i’ll see how the head is after red wine

Sound’s like a plan though. I’ll pm my number.



Cheers Tim - will phone ya in the morning

Hope tomorrow’s as nice as it was today, when you took this piccie - superb


I could be tempted to join you, what time you about

Phil, that would be

Times depend upon Tim really, but I’m going to aim to be around Windermere from 11.30ish. I’ll PM my number.

Sometimes I hate living in London

I have to say that the lakes sounds a lot better than warrington, keep me in the loop please tim or pesky.

Bloody hell! I’m off to work. Would have loved a trip as weather forecast is good. Going to try to get to Norlog meet at Warrington before going in to Manchester.
Pesky, had hoped to drop in on you on way to Manchester/ Norlog meet. Planned to give you a ring earlier today but got overtaken by events, dear boy!

I have to say that the lakes sounds a lot better than warrington, keep me in the loop please tim or pesky.

We’re all going to be roofless - suits you Sir?

Will give you a bell in the morning


Sorry about that, but trust you understand

No doubt will see you & new mota soon - I’m looking forward to it

Not wishing to interrupt here, but I can�t believe that no one has yet complemented Tim on his picture .

Not only does his car look fab, but man does it make you want to be there…


Bu**er, only just viewed this thread. Up in the Lakes all weekend (much the same as the last 15 weekends…) sorting my new gaff out. Was your passenger seat vacant Pesky? forgot what its like to sit in the Exige
Next time you are planning a trip gives us the nod, even if its only to call in for a Kaliber.

Where in the Lakes are you Steve?


Hi Tim. That will teach me to not log on over the weekend. Was perfect for a run and would have got me out of cutting lawns. Did you go or was the wine too good on saturday night?

South Lakes, not actualy moving just a weekend bolt hole. In theory I’m in tourist central - between Windermere and Bowness, but beleive it or not have not seen or heard a tourist whilst at the house all summer. Spent a lot of time in the Lakes over the years and was tempted to go more rural, then stumbled on this place, 5 minutes walk to pubs, restaurants etc but off the tourist trail and less than an hours drive from home

Guessing your North Lakes?

Hi Tim. That will teach me to not log on over the weekend. Was perfect for a run and would have got me out of cutting lawns. Did you go or was the wine too good on saturday night?

Hi Steve, the wine was a tad too much for me i’m afraid BUT the boys came round to my house , & for that i’m very grateful



I’m in Whitehaven (same as Philgr), which is on the coast, just North of St Bees.

We often head out to Bowness (especially to the Porthole ).

I’ll drop you a pm next time we’re out n about.


Yep know Whitehaven, did a bit of work up the road in Workington (for my sins ).
Like your taste in restaurants

Forgot to post

It was great to catch up with you both yesterday, and i hope you got home in one piece, We will have to do it again and give tim plenty of notice to keep off the red wine, and do a proper run through the more scenic parts of the lakes instead of the manic dash to the coast we did.

Did you make it home in time Gav ?

you will also be please to know i fixed my rear brake lights , (found a dry joint in the switch)

Peskys car has to be seen to believed, i was a bit skeptical when i saw the pictures, but in the flesh it is simple stunning, and prob the only type of car in the world that can carry that colour off

Phil G

Yeah was nice day, we did make it home but as Pesky said we got a bit delayed! Ended up over an hour late but my tea was still there so cant complain! Glad youve sorted the lights!
