Calling Muu - re Dash 2

Did you use a Dash 2 Pro ?
If yes - is the brightness really adjustable ?
I have a Dash 2 and its useless and am about to change it … as its connected to a DL1 and Video4 and loads of RT sensors I would prefer to stay with the RT product but I want something I can read …

My RT Dash2 / DL1 mk3 setup fairly sure didn’t have any adjustmaent on brightness Andy

Dash2 Pro is the key really

I’ll take a look at the weekend for you, and also see what effect the polarising has on it (ie sunnies)

the pro version is a fair bit clearer though, look in the background of this random image I found

Thanks - the Dash 2 ( NON PRO ) is impossible to read with Polarised glasses … just FYI
The backlight looks like it makes some difference though …

the blacks of the text are much deeper too, the whole display is better quality.

I’ll shoot a video of it with a polarising filter on it though, as thats the test