Calling Moles1

Was that you I saw heading out of Bristol on the M32 this morning, I was heading into Bristol, Titanuim S2 (sat). If it was I did wave but just as you went passed…Didn’t want you to think I was ingnorant.

It was me, we were just coming back from Williams when you went past. I didn’t even notice you to be honest but my passenger pointed you out. Took the little one out in the car yet?.

We all ought to get together to explore the local countryside - Maggsy is just around the corner from me in Bristol…

How about it??

Sounds good to me…I was off to Williams too. Had the 1000 mile seryice Friday but forgot to take the service book with me so went to get it stamped.

Count me in for a run, I vote for Brecon Beacons. Anyone going on the chedder run tomorrow? SELOC Forums

Brecon sounds good…I’ll see if Daveys1 wants to come in his s2 Exige. He organised two great runs around Brecon last year.