Caffeine & Machine

I ventured out for my first work meeting since Lockdown today, just been “working from home” since life got weird… but as a recommendation I met a colleague and customer at Caffeine and Machine as central for everyone and both car people.

I was really impressed by how organised it was. You book a 3 hr slot on line, they have 30 mins between 3 daily sessions where no one attends and they tidy/sterilise etc.

Each outdoor table is well spaced and has a QR code On it, you scan the code which links to a menu and you order and pay online and everything is brought to you.

Really slick, lots of staff, all bubbly and chatty. For a first visit out made for a positive experience.

Normal eclectic mix of cars from stunning XK120 to McLaren 720S, my fav however was an old boy in a tuk tuk!

Saw a S3 Elise and Exige too.

Food was good, I thought good value given location etc.

Worth a trip.

Its a place I would very much like to visit but around 100mi trip!

Always looks great mind!

Driven past but but unable to stop. Looks and sounds a great spot. Also, sadly, a fair distance from Lancashire.

I was there a few weeks ago and I was impressed with their organisation - being able to order food and drink via a QR code with table service was good. Would definitely recommend :ok_hand:

Been meaning to go myself but not been yet… looks great :+1:

Likewise, seems its a petrolhead pilgrimage that’s needed at least once!

I liked it as a place too, I just wish it wasn’t a rainy day on our visit. I’d like to go back on a busier day

I have a reason to be in that neck of the woods in the next few weeks and I will put it on NYLOC & here when I’ve figured out what’s happening. It might exclude a few being a) breakfast and and early start and b) midweek but still, could be a good turnout of Lotus bods and not restricted to NYLOC either.

NYLOC has been far too “midweek” recently. Too many bloody pensioners. :lolno:

Add self-employed barstewards in there cos I’m not ready for a bus pass just yet Kyle :wink:
It’s gotta be midweek as I’ll be letting Silverstone fit a new brake switch to the car and a couple of other tiny niggly bits so with C&M being so near figured it’d be an ok trip out if I can arrange the weather.

A bonus of midweek is you don’t need to book ahead or get a parking pass. You can just rock up on the fly. Fri-sun is all pre booking.