Cadwell photos

Anyone got a website adress for the Cadwell photographers-I forgot to have a look on Sunday.Great day, even tho, I left at dinner-too much experience of Cadwell weather!!

[email protected]

07970 511 722


Said he will have them up on his site in the next couple of days

Pictures are up.

Not very impressed with the quality - spoilt by TSU’s high quality pics

spoilt by TSU’s high quality pics

No doubt about it, Jason & Benja take the best pics…even though they capture the occasional “embarassing” image

Not very impressed with the quality - spoilt by TSU’s high quality pics

Awwww thanks Jamie/Pesky,…alas I was having a day off. I did not even bring my gear because I knew that I would end up shooting instead of driving/chatting.

From the brief look I had I thought the pics were ok.

these companies have no idea how to market the pictures imo

these pictures are small and at a high jpeg setting

If the company gave us a sample of a full size picture not cropped they would sell many more.

All imho ofcourse.