Cadwell Park

Now 9 Exiges booked on the Cadwell Park day with Bookatrack - who’s going to make it 10 and get us into double figures?GilesP.S - My wife is thinking of starting a new website called www.exigewidows.coms - anyone got any ideas for the first topic???

Whoops - didn’t realise that web addresses appear as a hyperlink on postings.Just in case your tempted to click on it - NO it doesn’t exist (and it would help if I hadn’t added an ‘s’ to the end of “com”).Giles

I have asked Jonny if we can have our own Exiges session - now waiting to find out how many we need to persuade him. He’s a nice man, a very nice man [image][/image]

Cadwell Park. Hmmm…Went there once to watch some Jaguars and Metros racing, that 90 degree right hander after mountain is a lot scary [image][/image]I’ll probably come too though. Maybe if I stick my spoiler back on I can sneak into the Exiges session, what d’ya think [image][/image] first posting, you’d hope it would be something along the lines of: Fibreglass Repair, how long to dry resin with a hair drier. Or possibly: Stone Chips, which shade of nail varnish is your lotus. Knowing Moira though it would involve arranging a new endurance event, the Le Becks 24 hour Lunch [image][/image]