Cadwell 1st May - URGENT

To get our own Exiges session we need 20 cars. As places are going quickly, anyone who has not yet booked, please do so - thanks

Or failing that

Looks like we’re up to 18 Exiges now! A few unfamiliar names have booked. However, it seems the Davies’s must be struggling to organise babysitters!We also have at least two ladies driving on the day - welcome, Jade & Sandra [image][/image][This message has been edited by Pesky (edited 23 January 2002).]

Don’t forget that 340Rs are in our session too, and I’m trying to get Don Boyack in his TT260 Elise to come along…On top of that, Brian Drought in his manic mini may join our session too… which is 20 already !However… we still want more Exiges !!

quote:However… we still want more Exiges !!Ok, time to stick my head above the parapet! [image][/image] Please don’t all shout at me, life has been very complicated of late, so thanks to those of you who have been making sure that Sue and I are a) still alive and b) still sane (you know who you are! [image][/image] ).IAC, due to major withdrawal symptoms from meeting you nice folks, and due to some friendly nudges from Rob, Russ and David, I’ve booked myself on this, along with Donny and Anglesey.Look forwards to seeing you all there! [image][/image]