Cadwell 10th December


I will be off to my local circuit (Cadwell park) on the 10th of December. It is an open pitlane trackday, organised with Motorsport Vision for �99 per car.

Hope to see some more Lotus’ there

If the dreaded salt hasn’t hit the road by then, i will be there !!
Just got back from Oulton Park today it was very wet and greasy (very entertaining) Then as the day went on it developed into 2 different tracks. Half of the track was dry and very grippy and the other was not. it kept you on your toes - Plenty of RED BULLS were needed !!!

Sounds like fun. Cadwell is a track of 2 halves, twisty mountain section and sweeping park section. Great

You should have one spectator but its the day after our Xmas bash so might not be there early

splendid. See you there.

what about Croft Sun 1st July - Nick Ledger is organising.

R U still a paid up NYLOCer?

nope, not on nyloc anymore. I can’t get to the meetings on tuesday nights as i’m usually working, so I dropped out of the Nyloc world

They dont alow you to post money or anything I reckon.
Its not a problem with paying, just that they seem a bit reluctant to take my money. You’d think they would do a previous member rollover to next year type thing.

Or maybe they have rules just for me

I have emailed you Nicks email addy!

Might be up for this, or possibly Donnington. Weather looks a bit crappy though…