Bulk Buy Compomotive wheels

I have just spoke to the bloke at compomotive and he said he can make 5 spoke wheels for 680+vat including postage he also mentioned that if we had a bulk order he’d be able to do them at a cheaper price


yes, but I have just called them back to get weights and the rears weigh 12kg each

well I won’t be buying any but they will look really nice

Whats the standard weight of a rear?
will it make much differance!

I think its about 9kg’s
it does make a difference when I went from elise wheels to exige wheels apart from going up an inch in diameter the exige wheel is heavier and I definately noticed a difference in performance but the bigger/wider wheels are better for the track.

its important to keep your unsprung weight down as much as possible the heavier the wheel the more power it drains from the engine to turn the wheel in short

its important to keep your unsprung weight down as much as possible the heavier the wheel the more power it drains from the engine to turn the wheel in short

…and less weight flapping around on the end of the wishbones which brings dynamic and suspension benefits.

yes, but I have just called them back to get weights and the rears weigh 12kg each

well I won’t be buying any but they will look really nice

pity would have been up for this need a spare set and everyone know the nightmare trying to find 2nd hand one
lots of track action this year

I saw the manufacturer and the price and thought "ooh… I’ll have some of those… " but they’re not the lightweight magnesiums are they

I don’t supposed Speedline will be able to get them much cheaper than before, but I’d certainly be interested in a bulk-buy of the magnesiums.

these style wheels at the same weight or lighter than the exige wheels and they would sell shed loads of them

I saw the manufacturer and the price and thought "ooh… I’ll have some of those… " but they’re not the lightweight magnesiums are they

I don’t supposed Speedline will be able to get them much cheaper than before, but I’d certainly be interested in a bulk-buy of the magnesiums.

The prices before were sort of a bulk buy, as we latched on to the back of a Lotus order (that actually got the production started again).


id be interested in a bulk buy for the speedline mags if any one hears of that come up.

id be interested in a bulk buy for the speedline mags if any one hears of that come up.

they’re heavy aswell and I believe also cause wheel bearing failure as they get really hot when pushed

What about a nice bulk buy from KMS in Japan then??

Lovely light drop forged alloys - rears only about 6kg!

Anyone speak Japanese???

We’ve been down that road already Junks… even with their discount they were heinously expensive (made Speedline Magnesiums look very cheap)… shame, because they look great.

Here’s the thread: http://www.exiges.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=47774&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1

Now I’m depressed!!

they’re heavy aswell and I believe also cause wheel bearing failure as they get really hot when pushed

Reports of this were somewhat overplayed. AFAIK it was only Gavan Kershaw that munched through more bearings on Speedlines.

They are lighter than the standard Rimstocks and Comps, but not that much. You need all your Spidey Senses to tell any difference.

Look cool though.

id be interested in a bulk buy for the speedline mags if any one hears of that come up.

The last bulk buy was 18 months ago or so now. I bought the last full set off the shelf in the UK from that run last October.

David Williams is the man at Speedline UK (S L Corse) to speak to. He was talking about the factory in Italy doing another run, but obviously the volume would need to be there to justify another production run. As far as I know this hasn’t happened yet.

Word has it that Lotus Motorsport has stock, but I doubt they will be cheap. Brooke Kensington in Bicester also have a full set, but want �1600 for them, which is not cheap either.

Will post contact details if you need them, or they are in the archive…

[Look cool though.

was that a pun given your earlier comment?