Bugatti Veyron video

Evo’s video from the launch. Great bit at the end of the video a on-track standing start. It is silly quick

2 tons…bloater!

Dear Santa…


Pesky can’t you get your mate to trade in all them other flash motors for one of these???

There are a few more super cars I would have before a Veyron, if I could afford it that is, all the same VW should be applauded for persevering with the Veyron and putting it into production…not sure if they will sell many but just having a car that will do around 2mpg at full pelt is a poke in the eye for all those do gooders and the fact it was made by VW and not Ferrari or Lambo is amazing.

Love to know how much a yearly service would cost (a rear tyre costs �1400)

Surely you don’t just stamp your foot down at the same time saying “60” then as soon as you’ve finished that “100” then “120”. Jesus, that car’s quick, but strangley doesn’t have much drama with it. I’d want my car spitting fire and killing small children at 100 feet
Perhaps they should have put a VHPD in the back

In this world of bean counting and motoring kill joys much respect to VW for doing it. So it’s horrendously excessive and wasteful… but it’s not like everyone is going to be driving one.

I wouldn’t say no to one.

In the video, he was reading out KPH rather than MPH right? As it didn’t look like 100mph

Hats off to them, by all accounts a very drivable power train. Glod star for engeneering.

I’d want my car spitting fire and killing small children at 100 feet
Perhaps they should have put a VHPD in the back
