British Heart Foundation

Snetterton Sun 24th. In association with Stratton and AMOC, there will be an event to raise money for BHF. Alot of the cars that comepted in the Lotus Road Sport series will be there. Idea is; pax rides offered in a variety of vehicles all proceeds to charity. Hope to see you there.

Neil - any idea what is happening with AMOC next year? I am a little fed up running in the 750MC against cars of similar weight and twice the power, and am thinking about AMOC for next year.Cheers

I competed this year in a standard ish exige in road non modified in Lotus Road Sport Series. Next year may not be with AMOC but the series will run 9 races. Great fun and competitive. hope to see you

Thanks - have added this to my bookmarks!Was supposed to be doing both days at Snetterton, but doesn’t look like I will get my cylinder head back in time :-(Cheers