Britcar 24hr

Randy’s Exige qualified in 15th position - top effort

Thought quali was from 8pm-10pm .


Anyways, anyone else heading up/down over the weekend…


Thought quali was from 8pm-10pm .


Oddly enough, that’s “night” qually & doesn’t affect the starting grid Just means each driver has some experience of racing at night.

Unfortunately can’t make it, as next Fri-Sun are booked - Fri & Sunday ’ Donington, & Saturday Oulton where Russ is competing in the AMOC Endurance Race.

Live timing is here:

Night qualifying is on now until 2200hrs.

The final starting grid positions are probably an average of the day and night qualifying times.

Not long back from Silverstone.

In night qualy Chris went out and did his 3 laps then Simon went out to check laps from the reserve fuel tank, then Scott and Dower did the bulk to get used to the night driving.
They had a slight issue at the end which left Dower stranded out on the circuit but was already well on the way to being replaced when I left. :up

A few pics.

For those of you who know Chris’s car you may be surprised at the new colour.

Chris goes out for night qually. Note the neons. :lol

Driver change (note the team jackets )

This is next door.

I’m heading back tomorrow so will put a few more pics up tomorrow night.

Just got home from Silverstone myself. The Scandal boys are looking very good indeed, the car is going very well. Good luck to them tomorrow!!!


Bling Bling Neon !

Good luck guys…

24 hrs your gonna need it

Ha ha, just spotted the neon… It’s going to be a bit like sitting watching one of those night-glow fishing floats but going around the track…

I wonder what its going to do when it crosses the finish line?? I’m betting the whole undertray will light up and a series of pyro-technics will erupt from both the wing and the sills and a loud speaker will start to play an electronic version of the national anthem that scuffers tapped out on his Casio keyboard earlier that day…

Only joking guys.

Nice touch…

Blimey that’s a tremendous qualifying performance - best of luck in the race guys

Oooh � isn�t it exciting, heading up in a couple of hours .


I wonder what its going to do when it crosses the finish line?? I’m betting the whole undertray will light up and a series of pyro-technics will erupt from both the wing and the sills and a loud speaker will start to play an electronic version of the national anthem that scuffers tapped out on his Casio keyboard earlier that day…

Gav, it’s important that you take your medication you know that

Good luck guys. I would love to go but I am shattered and am away all next week

Up to 5th as at 6.10pm

And then as high as 4th. Had a lengthy (15-20mins) pitstop around 7ish though with some unnassuringly aimed fire extinguishers while Scuffers prodded with the voltmeter!

I’ve got some pics, but I’m far too tired to paste them from camera to interweb.

Good luck to the team though!

Shame the Top Gear “Arse Biscuits” and “Penis” car is out could have made for an entertaining episode.

Spent most of the evening until 11pm in the pits and left the circuit at about midnight.

As was said Randy was doing a stonking job getting the car up to 4th, despite the undertray dragging on the ground after the Mosler punted him up the rear, however when they had run the main tank dry he switched over to the auxiliary which should last 10 more laps but the pump wasn’t working so thankfully there were some dregs in the main tank and Randy got it back to the pits for the changeover to Dower, they also fitted a new fuel pump which solved that issue.

Dower was running okay slowly moving them back up the listings until at the end of a safety car period as they went back to full speed they had a driveshaft issue (small retaining clip in the CV failed) at Copse which took a bit of time to get the car back.

At this point they took the decision to put Scott in the car while they fixed the driveshaft, again scott was doing a good job bringing them back up through the field when he was assaulted by a Civic which damaged the RH front rim and bent the steering arm.

When fixing that they put scuffers in the car and he was still circulating as I left after a quick stop to fix a loose exhaust.
Hopefully the worst of the problams are now behind them and they can start to move up the field a bit.

They are however much luckier than the BMW M3 which they are sharing a garage with. That car was went off a few laps before Randy had trhe fuel pump failure, but it turns out the reason for the off was due to the rather large hole in the side of the engine block. They were out on the spot!

A few pictures.

Before the start.


The BMW gets returned.

The fuel pump replacement.

The driveshaft replacement.

Steering arm replacement

Sorting the loose exhaust.

“Sloak Hunts Racing” - my arse!

“damaged the RH front rim” - are you listening, Mr Treasure?

Thanks for the updates, Mark & James.

“damaged the RH front rim” - are you listening, Mr Treasure?

At the time, that was the 2nd damaged rim.

However according to this pic someone posted on SELOC things have got a bit more warlike since I left.


Final position was 31st overall and 7th in class.

Been looking at the lapcharts on MST and it looks like they had a few pitstops after I left (including one that lasted almost an hour!)

Tremendous effort - in my book, just to finish, is mighty impressive

442 laps, plus they beat Clarkson’s media mob I heard on the radio that of the 3 presenters, Clarkson was the quickest - wonder if he’ll be bragging about that for years to come?