Brands Novice Track Day Today

Went to Brands for my first track day. It was really fantastic ! Had a bit of rain during the day which made it interesting. A few Elises there but no other Exiges. Some GT2’s, GT3’s, a Porsche V10 (the �500,000 one), TVR’s etc even a Polo.

What an experience to drive flat out, 125 before hiting the brakes for the corner. Car was great, didn’t use any oil and tyres stayed virtually unmarked.

Was amazed how much fuel I got through !

I can’t wait for next track outing.

I spun once at the end but managed to stay on the black stuff. Lifted off in the corner !

A few Loti in the kitty litter though when it rained.

Best �99 I have spent in a long time.


I have got a track evening tomorrow between 5:30 - 8:30 at Donnington, I am now totally addicted after bruntingthorpe a few weeks ago I have been round donnington on a bike so should be even more interesting in a car bring it on!!

Did my first track day in the Exige at Donnington last month and am just hooked. It is a fantastic circuit for the Exige. Screaming through the Craner Curves at 100+ is just amazing.

Just joined Lotus on Track through SELOC. They have a day there on the 7th October which I am going to do (�125 as opposed to �180 with Bookatrack)

Anyone else a member of LOT and fancy it?

AndyK about time you got your 135R on track

…tyres stayed virtually unmarked.

Then just wait until you start pushing the limits of those!

Glad you enjoyed it, it’s what the car was designed for.


…tyres stayed virtually unmarked.

Then just wait until you start pushing the limits of those!

Glad you enjoyed it, it’s what the car was designed for.


LOL! Agreeed! When huge strips are just peeling off it’s a bit… Erm… Disconcerting

Yet it is so great! Good stuff folks!

Found the cam change over a bit irritating. If you get held up slightly going into a corner then you’re not on the cam when you hit the straight and you haven’t got the power to get past the slower vehicle (TVR or M3 on this day). By the time the power comes on strong you’re running out of straight.

Had an instructor with me at the begining and he suggested as a novice that I could do the whole track in 3rd and 4th gear and concentrate on learning lines and breaking points.

He was right but it meant I wasn’t always on the power band. Was competitive with the GT2 and GT3 apart from the main straight where they left me.

For the bend at the end of the back straight they showed us where the braking point was and then said “but you guys in the Lotus’s just need to lift off a bit !”

Main thing I learnt was that if you lift off mid corner the back starts to come round. One lesson you don’t forget in a hurry.

Whats the procedure if you are stuck behind someone who will not let you through no matter what. There was a guy in an M3 with a racing suit, boots, gloves, painted helmet, Nurburgring stickers on his car etc that would not move over.

In the end I just came into the pits and rejoined on a different part of the track.



In the end I just came into the pits and rejoined on a different part of the track.

That’s exactly it! Don’t try and force your way past (ahem) or anything like that, if they really are being a total t*@t then make sure you complain on the day so the organisers can speak to the person in question and get it sorted!

In the end I just came into the pits and rejoined on a different part of the track.

That’s exactly it! Don’t try and force your way past (ahem) or anything like that, if they really are being a total t*@t then make sure you complain on the day so the organisers can speak to the person in question and get it sorted!

Or rather than pitting just back off for a good while to give yourself some clear track.

Give him a good few flashes of your lights and if he still wont budge complain to the organisers.

This will probably pi$$ him off mightily though. People in expensive cars dont like being told they are slow, especially if they take it seriously and have the full nomex suit etc.

I’ve been told you shouldn’t flash your lights, it can be taken as too agressive and get you into trouble.

However I thought Brands normally used blue flags? They should be used a lot more often IMHO.

Jonny at Bookatrack always covers this in his driver briefings and says its ok.

Most people on track are fine and courteous and will move over, lots of people just get caught up with where they are going as opposed to whats behind them and just dont tknow you are there.

Ah, as I’m dahn saaaaaaaarf, it’s mostly SleasyTrack for me

20 mins before the end a young lad (15/16) came over to me as I was getting ready to go out. He said “you’ve been going quick today, any chance of a passenger ride” As a novice I didn’t really want the responsibility of a passenger but I asked what he was doing here. He replied he was with his Dad.

I asked which car was he in ? In the M3 that’s been holding you up he replied.

He said he never moves over and always ends up with a warning. I asked why is he here on a novice day ? He said he came to this day because he thought no one new him and he needed to get some practice in for some race he was doing.



Sounds like a good day. When is the next one??

This was their first Novice Day. There were about 45 people there so I guess it was worth their while. A few cars in the gravel trap but nothing broken and no one hurt so I hope it won’t put them off having another one.

As a beginner 3 hours open pit lane was enough. We did some high (Highish) speed laps in a mini bus first then had to follow pace cars around for a while before pit lane was opened. They put braking boards out, then coloured cones for turn in point and clipping point.

It was advertised on

I’d like to come back when I have some more expeerience and have a go at those GT2 & GT3’s


He said he never moves over and always ends up with a warning. I asked why is he here on a novice day ? He said he came to this day because he thought no one new him and he needed to get some practice in for some race he was doing.



That’s bang out of order, should be black-balled. Track days are about fun, friendliness and driving courtesy for all involved

Sounds like he doesnt have the talent to mix it with the big boys on an open pit lane session so goes in novice sessions which is out of order.

Open pit lane days are fine as long as you keep checking whats behind you and are considerate to faster cars