Brand new Ohlins dampers for S2 Elise/Exige/2 Elev

Brand new dampers retail at �1950

�1200 delivered

Are they brand new?

Ignore last question just read the title doh!!

PM sent

What spring rates are they, or am I too late…

These are a bargin. Spend a few quid having them revalved to get the correct settings rather than the girly understeer Lotus settigs and you have an awesome set of dampers that will blow any set of Nitrons into the weeds! In my opinion of course :wink:


There is never anything like that for sale when you need it :slight_smile:

Now sold :slight_smile:

Another set available the same spec :slight_smile:

36 or 46mm? Spring rates? 2 or 3way?


At a guess looking at them 36mm 2 way

Yes two way - is the 36mm the internal diameter? The external measures 40mm or do they make three different types, I dunno?? lol

yes pls junks. whats your number?

His bank account! :smiley:

Sorry Whitey they sold yesterday before I saw this :frowning: If I get any more I will PM you first


I’ve had two sets so don’t give up hope :wink:

Hi Junks

Ever get or had any 46mm Ohlins ?


[quote=chrisexigegt]Hi Junks

Ever get or had any 46mm Ohlins ?

Thanks [/quote]

“OO” someones getting serious lol