Brake Judder

HiAfter braking very hard to nearly a stop - the next time I brake I get quite a lot of judder through the pedal - it soon disappears though. It feels as though either the hard braking has roughed up the pads which the next lot of braking smooths off again - or that the brake pistons are reseating themselves. The steering is fine.Any ideas ? Cheers, Tim

Sounds like you’ve overcooked them, though I’m sure Mr Whitter can shed more light on the matter.I had exactly this problem with my Impreza, I changed the front pads + discs and it went away.As you say, the odd thing is how it only judders after being hot, rather than all the time

Thanks - I’ve done around 2000 miles (no track days) Took it steady to start with so I wouldn’t think I’ve cooked them. Under light, normal and heavy braking it’s fine - this just seems to occur after an emergency stop type session and then disappears after maybe 50 yards of normal braking.I’ve had a trawl through the archives and one thing I haven’t tried yet is the posting from Paws detailing Nick Adams procedure for bedding brakes in. I’ll give it whirl and see if that cures it. Cheers, Tim

got it as well now and then…erm…just ignored it like so many things when enjoying an exige…he-he…

Hi Tim. My immediate reaction is to agree with Dave that maybe you’re cooking the brakes, in which case you can easily upgrade them using competition pads, competition fluid, and braided hoses (see threads elsewhere on this board for details). However, I’ve seen this caused by other factors, for example the discs being very slightly warped, which sometimes only becomes noticeable when they get quite hot; this can be fixed by skimming the discs. Also, I’ve seen pad contamination cause the exact symptoms that you describe. This can be caused (for example) by getting the discs wet when you wash the car, which causes them to develop a surface covering of rust, which then impregnates the pad surface when they are next used. Strange I know, but true! It might sound silly, but I cover the wheels of my car with black bin liners until I’ve finished waving the hose around, then I carefully wash the rims and hand rinse them to avoid getting the discs wet. Other people run the cars round the block after washing them to dry the discs, but as they can start to go rusty while you’re washing the car, I favour not getting them wet in the first place. I’ll now sit back and wait for the p*** taking! [image][/image] HTH

quote:Originally posted by Tony Whitter:This can be caused (for example) by getting the discs wet when you wash the car, which causes them to develop a surface covering of rust, which then impregnates the pad surface when they are next used. Strange I know, but true! It might sound silly, but I cover the wheels of my car with black bin liners until I’ve finished waving the hose around, then I carefully wash the rims and hand rinse them to avoid getting the discs wet. Other people run the cars round the block after washing them to dry the discs, but as they can start to go rusty while you’re washing the car, I favour not getting them wet in the first place. Blimey !! What do you do when it rains !!

Tony, do you own a shower cap as well ?

…erm…others don’t wash the car at all 'cause they facking hated it big time…like me…the exige is made to drive not to wash…

Tony - thanks. So if it’s because I’ve cooked the brakes - as long as I don’t do it any more will they be okay or will I have done permanent damage? I guess I should stop getting carried away demonstrating it’s braking capability to passengers [image][/image] approaching a succession of roundabouts - as that’s normally only when I get the problem.I’m financially pretty poor at the moment (just paid for the 190 upgrade) so it may be a while before I can consider upgrading the braking system [image][/image] On the subject of washing - I have to admit that I mask off the headlight covers when I wash it - to stop water getting behind them. I always run it round the block after a wash - Do you know if the rust contamination runs deep into the pad - or does it burn offTony - how does your Exige fare in comparison with your Diablo(s) !? [image][/image]

OK guys, I knew I was walking into that one, but I thought the info might be useful, and anyway, I’ve got broad shoulders! [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] As for rain, I love spanking my Exige in the rain, but as long as you are using the car the discs don’t go rusty. Also, it’s unusual for sufficient rain to be blown far enough behind the rims to make the discs go rusty when the car is parked up. And Bruno, I bought my car to drive not to look at, and I would contend that I drive my car as hard as anyone on this board, but that doesn’t stop me wanting to keep it looking nice!Timbo, you mean you’re slowing down for roundabouts?! [image][/image] It’s possible that you’ve done the pads permanent mischief if you have really cooked them, but I would be a bit surprised if you’ve managed to do this. The uprated brakes will stand as much abuse as you can throw at them and not notice, so it’s well worth the expense if you’re going to drive the car hard. As for pad contamination, I’ve had this on my SE30 and not been able to shake it off. In the end I had to change the pads. As for the monster, the GT has 18" rims with ventilated and drilled discs that completely fill the rims both front and back, so strangely enough it stops when you want it to! [image][/image] However, as I’m still running it in, I haven’t given it a good thrashing yet; I’ll let you know when I have…

quote:Originally posted by Tony Whitter: As for the monster, the GT has 18" rims with ventilated and drilled discs that **completely fill the rims both front and back, so strangely enough it stops when you want it to! [image][/image] However, as I’m still running it in, I haven’t given it a good thrashing yet; I’ll let you know when I have…**You have a new Lamborghini Diablo !?! That’s a dream car of mine(Steve, you can stop making those cracks about my money now - and turn your attention to Tony !)Of course, like everyone else on here, you’ll be at the North West meet tonight won’t you (>>> won’t you

Modesty prevented me from saying anything before, but as Timbo has let the cat out of the bag, I suppose I’ll have to own up (however, I’m not quite sure how Timbo found out… Russ?!). I’ve been involved with Lambos for about 10 years, and my wife is one of the two Directors of Lamborghini Club UK Limited. I’ve had a Countach QV for the last 10 years, an SE30 for the last 5, and now the GT. Sorry! As for tonight’s meet, if I can get down I will, but it won’t be in the GT because it’s at Lamborghini being serviced.

Tony - you were kind enough to show me round an Exige and extol it’s virtues at Cheadle whem my 111s was in for a service back in March. It was the first one I’d seen in the flesh. Couldn’t believe how much better it looked than in photos. Ordered one the next day! Love it to bits. Mind you - when my 6 numbers come up - I’d like a Lambo too [image][/image]cheers, Tim

Ah, the penny drops. I must remember to keep my mouth shut! [image][/image] However, I’m glad I helped you decide to buy an Exige! [image][/image]

"However, I’m glad I helped you decide to buy an Exige! "So am I ! Thanks ! [image][/image]

quote:Of course, like everyone else on here, you’ll be at the North West meet tonight won’t you (>>> won’t you Dave, do I take it from this that you go to these meets, and that you are therefore reasonably local to me (Manchester)? I’ve not been to one of these meetings before. How often do they take place, when, and where exactly?

quote:Dave, do I take it from this that you go to these meets, and that you are therefore reasonably local to me (Manchester)? I’ve not been to one of these meetings before. How often do they take place, when, and where exactly?Nah, I’m from Northamptonshire. However, I’ve been promising Pesky that I’ll attend for months now and have kept backing out… (like I’ve just done now !)Pesky, how about a reposting about the meet ?

Tony - I know when to keep my mouth shut [image][/image]Meeting tonight at Wrights Arms, Belmont, nr Chorley. If anyone wants to go, I am willing to meet near M6/61/wherever. Starts around 8pm, can eat, drink or just admire contents of car park, usually consisting of :-Exige x 2360 Modena928Ultima V8 x2DB7Poss. F40ElisesSevensEvo 5/6Goes on till around 10pm ish.Cheers Russ