braceplate in boot?

Just wondering if anyone can tell me what the bracer bar near the rear of the boot floor is for? Its probably 18" long with 6 or so bolts and washers through it but can’t see it on any drawings or manuals etc, thanks.

Don’t have one in mine but suspect that it is bracing for the rear panel fittings.

pictures will help to identify the item :wink:

It is, the number plate plinth on the later cars bolts through the boot floor and the metal plate. It was done when the US cars started to have the ‘bumper rubbers’ put either side of the rear no plate.

thanks, was a bit worried at first as its not the prettiest but saw a pic of the cup 260 in evo magazine this afternoon and its fitted next to the oil pressure system in the boot on their one too. Thanks to all.