Book-a-Track bought out by Ginetta

Just reading this in the BAT newsletter:

November 2018 Newsletter
The more eagle-eyed BaT members will have noticed a lack of newsletters recently. That doesn’t mean we haven’t been the usual busy-bees in the BaT office - as the announcement below will explain!

Ginetta Cars Ltd Acquire BaT Ltd are delighted to announce the acquisition by Ginetta Cars Ltd at the end of the year.

The business will continue in the same format, offering an improved track day calendar and car storage services from our facility at Donington Park. The workshop will continue to service and repair Caterhams, but the showroom will be rebranded to retail Ginetta sportscars.

Sarah Leroux maintains a shareholding and will continue in her role as Managing Director. “Having spent 20 years building this business to where it is now, it makes me very proud that a company of the size and stature of Ginetta Cars Ltd would see the benefit in having BaT as its shop-front and with the additional resources available from such a well established and successful group we will be able to make significant improvements at BaT very quickly.”

Lawrence Tomlinson (owner of Ginetta Cars Ltd and LNT Group Ltd) said “We’re delighted to support Sarah and BaT in the next chapter of their success. BaT have an impressive customer base and also a strong reputation in the sportscar market for creating an exciting experience. We look forward to supporting Sarah in improving this further for all of BaT’s customers. It’s our pleasure to welcome BaT into the Ginetta family.”

Ginetta Press Banner
Rental Fleet Changes
As part of the change in ownership, the existing Caterham track day rental fleet will be replaced with Ginettas for the 2019 season. As a result, we have a number of ex-rental Caterhams available for sale and details can be found in the table to the left.

For more details about any of the above just send us an email.

Will this effect Exiges day at Anglesey I wonder??

Hopefully not. Good to see BaT and Ginetta comng together to ensure the spirit of track days stays resolute within its core. I like the fact a track/race company has seen fit to make this happen and wish them every success, it’s where my money will once again go next season.

I saw Sarah and Jonny today and Sarah was very chipper, Jonny was a bit sad but times move on. I’m very pleased for them and want to see it go from strength to strength. I joined BaT platinum after a day at Snet with another tdo which was constant queues and red flags. Things have not been right this year but I’m now positive for 2019. I’ll be renewing.

Ginetta own Blyton, never been, allows lots of noise. However, Anglesey in the wet is special.


We can live in hope it does!!!

The hire cars will be Ginetta’s, no Caterhams anymore.

I hope the marriage is more successful than Ginetta’s recent LM tie up with Manor Motorsport :wink:

Wasn’t that more to do with the non-appearance of the funding stream than any issue with either Ginetta or Manor?

I will pose this question with Boothy next time I see him in the pub :slight_smile:

I just hope we still get the excellent service from BaT when it come to easter regardless of which track we use, I am going to be there for 2019 after having no track days at all this year, I need to change that and hope to still do them with BaT

-shame about the Cats, was just starting to enjoy the hire fleet.

  • hopefully see you there , Ade

-LOL at grumpy Garthwaite!!! Hopefully whatever arrangements are made we can have the pleasure of your company, and as said, Anglesey in the wet…………………in a 3-11

Very funny Graeme.
You think its acceptable to cancel a day at short notice and refuse a refund?
A fool and his money and all that

Don’t think Im alone in my thoughts either,when did you last see Tony Pearman on the Exiges day, What happened to Ishy last year, When did we last see Ollie from Pheonix, I could go on …
Yes we have had some great days but there have been issues that I find a tad frustrating, before anyone says im tight etc etc
It is not the money , its the principle
Ben and his predecessor spend hours and hours sorting the day and making sure its a fully booked day, I cannot remember when you could just turn up because there was still places available, unless of course you are in a BAT supplied/run Caterham
However on the same weekend, at the same circuit, its cheaper to do the non Exiges day.
We are obviously a highly valued bunch then…NOT

Re the pleasure of my company, Highly unlikely unless the weather is dry, don’t mind thrashing the car but I don’t want it cover in shitty wet stuff

I agree with what you say in the main and your sentiment strikes a chord, but it doesn’t stop me lighting the fire . It’s Bonfire Society central here in East Sussex.
As a matter of fact, James and I had a late notice BaT cancellation at Oulton Park recently. We lost our hotel fees and BaT refused a hire refund, offering a credit note, as it was ‘out of their control’.
That is in their conditions, it’s shit, but it is what it says. We made enquiries and it does appear that Oulton double booked it and shafted BaT. But it does beg the question what sort of a piss poor organisation doesn’t check up on dates with a bit more notice than a couple of days.
James and I were worried something was afoot, potentially BaT going under, fuelled by the foreign trip they cancelled at short notice too. We were keen to use the credit up asap.
Anyhow, used the credit at Brands last week and had a great day.

It’s the time of year I put feelers out to prepare some options.

When it is, where it is, who runs it, what it costs, whether there is free x or y, how many spaces there are, what the weather is like, etc etc won’t suit everyone I get that. I’ll do my utmost to pull together a few options that ticks as many boxes as possible.

I recall many years ago that an TD was fully booked out… and that was ONLY with Exiges!

Happy days… I miss my first Exige S1 that I bought from Peter Smith Sports Cars.

New Aluminium, It had done 41k miles and had just had a new VHPD fitted by Lotus! Cost me £16.5k!!!


I’m not fussy, I like it as a season opener and will attend at most locations with or without BaT.


No worries, Ben. Sure we’ll enjoy whatever you come up with.


I’m doing Bathurst on 5th February if anyone wants to join ? - Different circuit, different organisation … only 650 quid …
A tad long a journey to get there though I guess for most …

Wow you lucky sod, I’d love to go to Bathurst! I’m VERY jealous. Make sure you post some pics/vids.