BMW i8 test drive -The future of high end exotic sports cars

(cross posted from SELOC)

I first saw the BMW i8 at the Canary Wharf Motor Expo a few weeks ago. I don’t pay attention to BMWs, so had missed all news of this car, and assumed it to be a concept car when I saw it. It was stunning to look at, and was the one drawing the crowds. I was stunned when the BMW staff told me it was a street car, available to buy!

I took a few pictures, thought it was amazing to look at, but thought no more of it. But it had planted a seed in my mind, and yesterday I went to BMW to take a look at one and spend some time behind the wheel. The car was so new it only had 100 miles on it. It had all the options except laser headlights £8,000). It had the optional wider wheels, front and rear.

First the claimed stats. The car costs £100k, which is surprisingly low considering the technology and build quality of it (or £120k with all the options). In short, it has a full carbon fibre passenger cell, with aluminium chassis and is a mid-engined 4WD car. It weighs just under 1500kg and does 0-60mph in 3.8 seconds (0-62 in 4.4). Yet it delivers 134mpg on the standard combined test cycle!

In the metal, it looked stunning again. Like something from the future. This time I could of course sit inside it to get a proper look, and the interior is also futuristic yet classy and feels good quality, although noticeably not as luxurious as Ferrari or McLaren interiors. The interior is airy and offers great all round visibility. The cockpit is a gadget lover’s idea of heaven however.

Getting in and out was easy, for an S1 Exige owner. The average driver might complain a little however, as the car is low and the sill is wide. There is a lot of exposed carbon fibre visible as you enter the car, which looks fantastic.

I set off in full electric mode, and found that the car was almost completely silent. It was very similar to the original Tesla I drove three years ago, based on the Elise chassis. It had instant torque and plenty of power and acceleration for normal driving. The steering was extremely light at crawling speeds, but weighted up nicely when travelling at speed. There was however no sense of feedback from the wheel, although it felt extremely precise.

I could quite comfortably and happily drive the i8 solely in electric mode, and found it to be extremely relaxing as it was so quiet. I found myself almost whispering when speaking in the car, due to how quiet it was. It was a front wheel drive car in this mode. The ride was rather on the firm side, but very much to my liking.

“Comfort mode” was the second mode I tried, and here the car again stays fully electric most of the time but very unobtrusively and instantly uses the petrol engine, which drives the rear wheels. The transition is seamless and is based solely on throttle input. All controls are “fly (drive) by wire”, but work so well you do not feel disconnected. The car becomes much quicker accelerating, and the engine sound is heard. It is not loud or obtrusive in any way though.

For much of the drive I stayed in “sport mode”. In this mode the petrol engine is always on, and the car is always in 4WD. Throttle response was noticeably sharper, the ride firmer and the engine much louder. When I switched to full manual mode, my favourite mode, the engine noticeably blips on gearchanges and the engine sounds very much like a big flat 6, rather than the massively turbocharged 1.5 litre 3 cylinder it actually is. It sounds great, but not too loud. However, my frame of reference is quite skewed here as I am comparing it to McLaren and Ferrari engines – both of which of course sound a lot better and louder.

The car accelerates very quickly indeed, and there is no sense that it is 4WD, or indeed hybrid. If I hadn’t known, I would have assumed it was a mid-engined supercharged 3 litre six cylinder. There is no hesitancy or lag whatsoever, and the engineers have clearly performed miracles in marrying the three engines to work together (there is a small second electric motor in the rear, assisting the petrol engine, to avoid turbo lag).

I pushed the car (safely) to its adhesion limits, and it understeered. It would not respond to attempts to control attitude via the throttle, with its electronic stability systems curbing any excesses smoothly but effectively – unfortunately. I imagine I could only get it to oversteer if on a track or similar, and severely provoking it. Grip levels are high, but not as high as 911, McLaren or Ferrari cars I have driven. It is very easily controllable and tame when the limit is exceeded, unlike the others though – and especially unlike an Elise or Exige.

On narrow, very twisty roads, the car was a lot of fun and easy to drive. Very responsive and precise, and reminiscent of an Esprit, but without the turbo lag. It was extremely quick through bends and felt every inch an exotic sports car. It corners completely flatly and inspires confidence. It is of course nowhere near as communicative, fun or fast as my Exige – but its broad range of capabilities far exceeds any Lotus, or indeed any other car I know of.

Only the LaFerrari, McLaren P1 or Porsche 918 are superior overall – I assume, not having driven them. However, one could buy six i8 cars for the price of one LaFerrari, and the i8 is a daily usable car just like a 911, so there is really no comparison. I felt the rear seats were actually usable, albeit not suitable for long distances for adults. It has slightly more rear seat space than a 911.

The car has regenerative braking, and the best compliment I can pay the i8’s brakes is that the system is transparent, and the driver does not sense its presence. The lift off drag effect feels the same as it would in a large engine conventional car.

Visually, the car drew crowds everywhere. An even bigger effect than I have previously experienced in other exotic cars, perhaps matched only by the attention the F40 drew. Some of that is due to its gull wing doors. Doubtless some of it was due to it being so new and cutting edge, and this will lessen as people see more of them. Not that very many will be built – I recall reading that BMW are making only 600 per year globally.

It has faults, and the one that annoyed me most was that the gear indicator is rather small on the dash. I like that to be displayed big. The car has a HUD (head up display) which only the driver can see, projected on the windscreen just under the driver’s sightline, but this does not display RPM or gear. I made a strong recommendation to BMW to effect a software update to add that facility.

The understeering on the limit is a small negative, but can be adjusted just like the Elise S2 with wider front wheels if an owner was determined to change that behaviour. Grip levels are high, but could easily be increased with softer tyres, as the ones on it are designed for economy. Storage space is low overall, but infinitely greater than on my Exige!

The car does not feel, or look, like a BMW. Nor does it drive like one. Only the badging and grille lets you know it is a BMW.
Having driven many far more expensive cars, I am still surprised at how little the i8 costs. It genuinely feels and looks like a £200k exotic sports car, and I honestly believe that had this exact car rolled out of Maranello sporting Ferrari badging, it would have sold like hot cakes at £300k.

I have driven faster cars, and more exciting cars – the very best being the Radical RXC last year. But the best overall car I have driven, considering its range of capabilities (speed, acceleration, handling, power delivery, technology, and efficiency) is the BMW i8, and by quite some margin.

It is so good I am severely tempted to buy one in fact, which is an odd turn of events as I have never looked twice at any BMW or considered owning one in the past. The car drives, feels and looks like it is ahead of its time, and has driven in through a time-warp from the future.

Just learned that the i8 Prototype car was in Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (alongside a bunch of ordinary BMWs):

- YouTube

The scene with the i8:

BMW left side steering car on Mumbai road (Mission Impossible 4) - YouTube

And when it was just a concept:

BMW i8 from Mission Impossible 4 - YouTube

Was looking at Sytner’s i8 demonstrator this weekend - must confess it looks an awesome piece of kit :slight_smile: can’t believe it has rear seats too that look almost useable?

Great review,Jas.
Out of my league but an interesting insight into the car., thanks.

wow, great review, I might even have to look in my BMW dealers

Great review, thanks for sharing. Keep us up to date if you do decide to press the button…

I went on a second 3-4 hour drive, on all sorts of roads, all modes and speeds. Mostly full manual mode, blipping gear changes etc

Overall mpg was just over 32mpg, which I considered excellent considering the type of driving and performance of the car. It still had 9 miles full electric range left at end, but this was clearly down to it regenerating during the drive.

Overall obviously nothing has changed since the last drive. I still thought the car handled impeccably and very much like a sharp sportscar - like an Esprit, or perhaps like a McLaren MP4-12C albeit with less power and grip obviously. Those are the cars it felt closest to. I have a lot of time behind the wheel of the MP4-12C in particular, and feel the comparison is very accurate. The i8 however has less body roll when cornering hard than either of those cars.

It corners virtually completely flat and inspires confidence. Steering is extremely precise and highly geared, but lacks any true feedback of the road.

It accelerates instantly, with huge linear torque, and feels extremely quick.

Full manual mode gives a very nice engine blip on gearchanges that is not apparent in other modes, including Sports mode.

The very fancy electronic dash does make seeing key information less clear than with a traditional analogue dash, or AIM dash. I disliked the small gear indicator on the dash for example, and the RPM counter, whilst large, could be clearer. This information should also be displayed on the HUD but is not.

I tried parking it in my garage to see whether the gull wing doors would hit the electric opening mechanism or the ceiling, and there was no problem. However, by parking it there, it was also apparent how big the car is! It is huge next to the Exige (obviously), but also much bigger than my Ferrari 348 Spider. Much wider, longer, and surprisingly also taller - as it feels very low otherwise.

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<LINK_TEXT text=“Photobucket | Make your memories fun! … d.jpg.html”>Photobucket | Make your memories fun!</LINK_TEXT>

The overhangs at the front are very long and the car struggled with a very steep driveway with a dip (I tested at a friend’s house). It was fine with all speed bumps I tried, and I did search out the highest I could find.

Emergency braking showed the ABS was completely stable and effective. Front and rear seatbelts auto tensioned when I tested this. Accelerating from standstill was rapid and urgent, but without any traction loss, due to its 4WD.

In narrow lanes, the car feels very wide indeed and that is the thing that limits how quickly you can sensibly drive it. It is also wider at the rear than front.

Build quality feels impeccable, and the car feels very stiff with no rattles on any road surface, including cobbles. Lotus could learn a thing or two here.

I am surprised to learn of the lengths the engineers went to, to reduce weight. As well as the carbon fibre passenger compartment, and aluminium chassis, the car has a carbon fibre roof (I could see the weave when I inspected it closely). Body panels are composite.

The engineers have even used foam plastic climate-control ducting (lighter and quieter), lightweight aluminium wiring (instead of copper), aluminium bolts and screws (instead of steel) and chemically hardened glass on the rear window and all the lights, that is thinner, lighter and more durable than laminated glass. This is the same gorilla glass as on premium smartphones.

At 6’, I can sit in the back and there is enough legroom, but insufficient headroom to sit up straight. My wife and children did have enough headroom in the back seats though.

The i8 could easily be used as a daily driver, and is completely relaxing to drive, especially in e-drive or comfort modes.

It is like having 3 cars in one. e-drive gives a completely electric silent vehicle, able to exceed the average petrol car’s acceleration, but limited to short hops. Comfort mode gives a hybrid with no range limitations. Sports mode genuinely gives an exotic, sharp, impeccably handling sports car.

On top of those 3 key modes there is eco-pro (more economical) and full manual mode. 5 very usable modes, and I believe I would make use of each one if I had the car. I tried them all yesterday.

Overall, I still believe it to represent the future of the sports car, and considering its overall capabilities it is overall the best car I have driven yet.

EDIT: found this:

BMW i8: Supercar 2.0 - XCAR - YouTube

I liked it so much that I placed an order for one today :slight_smile:

Good man. Great review. I also saw this at the Canary car Expo. Wasn’t too convinced when I saw it there. Do you work in Canary? If so and if you are feeling generous one day I would love to have a looksee when it arrives. I live just outside Canary.


Well done bud. From the enthusiasm in your initial post it was clear what trajectory you were on!

Does the rest of the stable stay or do you have to let anything go?

Yes I work in Canary Wharf, but the car is not being built until next March :frowning:

I will let the Ferrari go. To be honest I have barely driven it since getting the Exige, since the Exige is so much better in every way (except engine sound & comfort).

I feel the i8 will complement the Exige very well, especially with it being a 2+2.

Nice one Jas :wink: - been invited to take Sytner’s demonstrator out next week - it would be rude to refuse :wink:

Great :slight_smile: Let us know what you think. Remember it is no Exige though :lolno:

Forgot to update this thread. btw, I sold my Ferrari to make space for the i8. It sits alongside my S1 Exige R in my garage now.