Blowing Fuses

I have an Exige S whcih was 8 months old yesterday and while out for a drive (was 60 miles from home) the rev counter and speedo started to drop to zero so I dipped the clutch and coasted to the side of the road. The engine would turn over but would not start. On investigation one of the fuses (R7 in the engine compartment) had blown. I replaced it but as soon as I turned the ignition on the fuse blew again. The car is currently with a dealer who is trying to locate the fault. I suppose I shouldn’t complain as in 7 years of Lotus ownership this is my first break down of any sort (as I touch wood). Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Well dealer has got back to me. Don’t know what is wrong and Lotus have suggested changing the engine module (ECU I assume) and see if that works. If not they are to check the wiring loom. Anyway they reckon it will be Tuesday at the earliest

Keep us posted. Hope you get it going.

Am still waiting but have been told I should get it back tomorrow! I won’t hold my breath though