Bloody hell, Sean!


Is that some sort of kinky fetish device ? limited edition ‘His and Hers Wedding rings’!!

Is that some sort of kinky fetish device ?

As always girls making the point,
once in and we are screwed

You must have spent a fortune on hypnotherapy for the poor girl.

I mean, persuading someone that marrying a fat, ugly, bald Brummie ginger is a good idea is a bloody miracle!


I mean, persuading someone that marrying a fat, ugly, bald Brummie ginger is a good idea is a bloody miracle!

I thought Helen was from Russia

You must have spent a fortune on hypnotherapy for the poor girl.

I mean, persuading someone that marrying a fat, ugly, bald Brummie ginger is a good idea is a bloody miracle!

Awesome having mates eh?

Nice one Sean.

My daughter gets married today. (Saturday)

All of her friends want a go in the Exige

My bank account may never recover…

Congrats, Sean Nylock nuts are very difficult to undo without a spanner!

Thanks guys. Yes I proposed to my girlfriend today and she of course said yes. lol. I think the big rock in my hand helped with all of the things Russ said!!!

COngrats Sean - which circuit are you holding the wedding at?

LOL. I did actually suggest that. I said Donno would be good, maybe coupled with a track day, so we could do a few laps before during and after. But suprisingly she wasn’t too keen!!

Massive congrats Sean! Jeezus… at this rate I’ll be the only single Exiger left in here!


Congratulations Sean!

congratulations sean!! im still a single exiger

“I think the big rock in my hand”

A big WHAT in your hand? Was that a typo?

It seems it comes to all of us this marriage thing!

Congrats fella

As above Sean, mahoosive congrats � nice one


Thanks guys. Yes I proposed to my girlfriend today and she of course said yes. lol. I think the > big rock > in my hand helped with all of the things Russ said!!!

Ah, concussion sealed the deal!!

Congrats Sean!

LOL, thanks guys!!

Ay, well done, that man! Keep control of the purse strings!