Dont know whether any of you peeps have clocked this one yet, or are attenting, but Rich Nobel and Andy Green are at it again, this time with the IK goal (1000 mph/mach 1.4!!!)

I have joined the supporters club and the first meeting is down in Bristol today between 11 and 4 at the UWE.

All will be there and it promises to be a fascinating day. I am sure that they will succeed… but the tech mountain is huge… eg even though the wheels will be solid titanium, they are concerned about the structure rotating at 50,000 ‘G’!!!

Have a look at

May take in the last stage of the WRC championship at Cardiff on the way home too!!!


Sounds like a good day out, Pete - hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks Pete a great link. Totally absorbing whn you start to read all the info.

Thanks Pete a great link. Totally absorbing whn you start to read all the info.

I will post more later about the meeting yesterday, but this is something that I really think we should all support by joining the ‘1K Club’ (as I have done). It is � 20 for Bronze and � 75 for Gold… the latter gives you ‘free’ access to the various build stage days and test runs here in the UK over the next 3 years!

If you wish to, suggest you head the email EXIGES.COM so Ian Glover the PR Gura/manager, knows where you came from as a group!

Meeting Richard Noble, Andy Green and the whole team in person makes you believe that they ARE serious about this and they WILL get the job done!

If we were really keen, a sticker sponership is only 75K!!!

More later!