Black or orange Exige?

Which colour suits the Exige best…black or orange?

black!! looks alot more expensive and aggressive!!

Yes, good points!

Ive seen both and love both just cant decide which colour to go for!


Black - less of them about (eh come to think of it, none of them are very common! and they both look the dogs). Go on pick a colour, any colour, they all look good apart from that monkey sick yellow they do porsches and crossfires in!!!

Black - less of them about (eh come to think of it, none of them are very common! and they both look the dogs). Go on pick a colour, any colour, they all look good apart from that monkey sick yellow they do porches and crossfires in!!!

feelin’ a bit grey then

Yeh, Grey’s ok too [color:“666666”] [/color]

Im so confused…black or orange, orange or black???

BLACK!! it is easier to get on with for every day use and easier to sell on when your done with it

I would love a black one, but rare as rocking horse…you know!.

Does anyone here know the figures for how many built in which colour???

if you want a black one, why not just order one? the waiting list is roughly 3 months

isnt this already being discussed in the other topic??

Have to say though, not many people really bring colour in as an issue when buying an S1 exige as they were v. limited in build numbers and though it is nice to find one in the right colour most people will just take what they can when they appear. Unless you have decided its an S2 you want

I’d say the CO is the best for the S1 and Black or Red for the S2.

I am having this same issue, but it is even harder in he U.S. because I have never seen the Exige S2 in person.

I don’t like the Ardent Red Elise, I do like the Chrome Orange, and with black you can’t see all the bits as well.

I really could use your help.

I thought all of you guys thought the Chrome Orange was the best color, but a few of you seem to disagree.

I just don’t really want Black, but I have heard the Exige looks good in Black.

I originally wanted red, but I don’t think it looks good on the Elise. How is it on the Exige?

I also thought yellow would be cool.


FFS can’t you guys make your own feckin minds up which colour [color:“red”]Y[/color] [color:“blue”]O[/color] [color:“orange”]U[/color] like best?


Paul Matty has two S1’s for sale at the moment and one of them is Black.


FFS can’t you guys make your own feckin minds up which colour [color:“red”]Y[/color] [color:“blue”]O[/color] [color:“orange”]U[/color] like best?


Everyone with a CO car is telling you to go for a different colour because we like to remain unique its a fact that CO cars will always sell for more than any other colour, black comes second

do they make em in other colours?

"BLACK!! it is easier to get on with for every day use "

what an odd thing to say…?

Just get what colour you like best, see it’s that easy! Who gives a toss what anyone else says…

P.S. Orange is best.

Magnetic Blue

Nice black unregistered Exige on Pistonheads at the moment. Good red one as well but no air con.