Black-Forrest tour - anyone up for a drive?

To those that live near by, how about for a meet at the Black-Forrest for a run? Would love to meet some of you and am very flexible as to when. Maybe we can arrange something in this thread?

There are some fantastic places in the Blackforrest to enjoy the car a bit, including…

  • Schauinsland (east of Freiburg)
  • Todtmoos-Au (South of Schluchsee)
  • Steinatal (South-East of Schluchsee)
  • Kandel-Pass / Simonswald (north of Titisee/Schluchsee)

All these places are more to the south of the Blackforrest but probably highlight some of the best roads you’ll get in the Blackforrest, not much traffic and nice B-roads. If there are similar roads further up north and closer to some of you, I’m happy for suggestions?

Cheers Phil

Would love to do a trip like this, but ideally spread over 3-4 days. Not possible in the following 2 months though, cannot take a day off from work.

  • Steinatal (South-East of Schluchsee)

Where is this ? Over the last few years I have gone out of my way to drive the L159 north from Tiengen, and then turn left to Schluchsee.
My favourite roads of all time are in the Black Forest

  • Steinatal (South-East of Schluchsee)

Where is this ? Over the last few years I have gone out of my way to drive the L159 north from Tiengen, and then turn left to Schluchsee.
My favourite roads of all time are in the Black Forest

The L159 is the Steinatal! Very nice road - long and some very nice bends there indeed!

There’s another nice one though - with cliffs on the side and a road that leads through a smaller canyon. Called “Schluchtal” (if I’m not mistaken), it’s just a bit west of the “Steinatal” and also leads from Tiengen to Schluchsee. You’ll find it on Google-Earth - it’s the road that that connects Gurtweil, �hlingen, Birkendorf with Rothaus (L157). Fantastic road, that.

How is it that you know the Black Forest so well?

How is it that you know the Black Forest so well?

I dont, its just I have had a European tour on my Yamaha R6 for the last 6 years, and I just love the Black Forest and Austria.
The beer is good, accomodation is not a problem and the roads are good quality with little traffic.
Have stayed in Schluchsee (twice), Schonau (twice), Nagold, Wildberg, Wolfach, Triberg & Hochenschwand
A study of the map led me to the L159, it had lots of bends, few villages, and was heading North.
Think I have ridden it 4 times now, and drove it in my Elise last year.
Heading to France in September in my new Exige, with 3 other Elises. I may just be forced to steer us all East towards the Schwarzwald again !

the road that that connects Gurtweil, �hlingen, Birkendorf with Rothaus (L157)

Must store this in the memory bank