Black badge

Just replaced my bonnet badge with a black and silver one…looks good as my car is storm titanium…one problem is that the wheel badges need replacing now as they are yellow and it stands out like a sore thumb(well it does to me)…hanger111 are trying to find some for me…can you get black and silver wheel badges…if so where…if not is there any company out there that will make some for me or does anyone know who makes the badges for the Lotus factory?

There were some for sale on Pistonheads

Thanks Jamie…so they are…all sold but the guy may be getting a new batch in.

Just found some on ebay as well…�15…the other guy wanted �23 and they look the same.

are they easy to change… mine are a bit grubby… also with the front badge… was it a big job (i.e. clam off) ?

Have you tried a classic Lotus supplier?

The Europa t/c GKN alloys had black centre badges, which can be bought separately to the housing that fits them to the wheel. Cheap too (in 1993 ).


are they easy to change… mine are a bit grubby… also with the front badge… was it a big job (i.e. clam off) ?

I think the centre cap comes out and badge will then come out with a bit of force…not too difficult…I’ll let you know.

Yes the bonnet badge is a sod to get off…still haven’t done it, I’ve heated it up but still will not come off. Don’t want to use too much force as I worried I may damage the clam/paint work. Car going in for its 1k service on Friday so may get the dealer to fit it. Then if they damage the car its down to them.

Floss should do the job