C/w all the fittings.
It was not on the car when this happened.
e-mail me.
scott at procureall dot com
C/w all the fittings.
It was not on the car when this happened.
e-mail me.
scott at procureall dot com
Just out of interst, how was the driver?
Maybe should of been, any pictures of the roof?
Scotty was driving the car at the time.
Thankfully he is ok.
Very glad to hear it.
C/w all the fittings.
It was not on the car when this happened.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3121/2643396032_32567bc094.jpg?v=0 >e-mail me.
scott at procureall dot com
I should say that this is not the extended roof like the 255 or the 2008 PP roof.
jeepers, looks like you were lucky to get out of that one!
Scotty you have a pm.