Bit sad really

Guys what is going on? Obviously not very much! This place used to be full of good hearted banter great info, tips and people trying out all sorts of new ideas. Some good, some not so good. All I see now is: What audio system? Reversing cameras FFS!

FB Groups will be partly to blame

Air to air intercoolers rock !
Ade aint a clue lol…
Benja saw the light and got an LSD …
Jonnyfox got blown …
And Frank bought a Porsche …

scoob recommended a Ctek …

Jimmy quit,
Jody got married
should’ve known we’d never get far

SCOOB! For the record I did not get blown, nor bloody will I (Not including the V6TDI).

JFK bought a house
Ben bought a Caterham but still has his S1 which isn’t broken anymore.
Dave bought a Caterham before Ben but still owns his S1.
I blew up (oh I see now) my S2 bought an S1 and a Caterham, after Ben.
Keith is buying a Caterham part ex on the S2 but still owns an S1.
Pesky sold Clive his S1 and moved down Sarf to run Gravies Anonymous.
Steve’s yellow S1 needs a suspension refresh
Other Steve bought a Porsche, in red :smiley:
Pete bought an LF1 :sunglasses: as feck obviously
Tim doesn’t like Steve’s Porsche, obviously :wink:
Other Tim’s working bloody HARD and is no fun right now :laughing:
JDS would make Con proud MAN
Gav still has way too many cool cars and officially is the only one of us who can use the word “LowTie”.
Dave is buying a seriously sexy S3 :stuck_out_tongue:
Joel is the new Frank but never uses the word ***t EVER :smiley:
Ade has no idea whether to stick with the S2 or buy an S1. STILL :clap:
Pete is alive :clap: but lost the Rugby :mrgreen:
Ian’s done a Houdini again but not a good as Pete’s
Graham’s BACK :clap:
Wes is due BACK :clap:
Lots of new S1 chaps on board, it’s an investment :lolno:
Lots of new S2 chaps on board using words like pulley, heat soak and yes sub woofer but then it is a girls car joking :mrgreen:
Some new S3 fella’s on board, the jury’s still out :wink:
I’ve left a few out but it’s still the most friendly Lotus forum on the net :wink:

So what you getting… You know you want to :wave: :thumbup:

Edit Will’s S2 actually works and is bizarrely reliable. Obviously it’s quick :frowning:

^ LOL.

I think you missed the cricket off the post about Pete!

:laughing: well done John.

I’ve been posting on the board for a loooong time and it has always been subject to ups and downs. Its up to all of us to invest the time and post as that’s the lifeblood of the forum. I for one will make more of an effort.

Fundamentally we all still love our Exiges and like talking about them. Everyone loves to read about general racing/build/hillclimb/trackdays in whatever kind of car…good job given that x3 long-term Exigers now have Caterhams :sunglasses:

I’ve got a project car going here…

Like all projects, it is going slow. I’ve designed pistons for the 2ZZ motor and just got flow bench tested… and they flow significantly better than Coswoth’s pistons for the 2ZZ.

That is reasonable, nearly bought a few S1s
Still don’t have enough space to have both :frowning:
Don’t have enough budget to own a Caterham and my S2

I’m still waiting for my build to kick off :-p

BOO! (I’ve been lurking…when not swamped)

As one Union falls apart I’d love ours to get back to where it was.

I discussed an idea with Ben the other day for something that might help, so will trigger that (…again. I set it up and my son blooming we restarted the PC before I’d hit Go).

Isn’t it about time for our annual cry of “shall we update the forums” to bring back the preservationists?

Yeah I think its time tbh.

David has not visited the board in almost 18months so he remains a bit of an absent landlord.

Clives back on the road again …all be it waiting for M&S to refurb the back end … :slight_smile:
Front works OK with proper geo. :laughing:
Will post some of my high tec mods :stuck_out_tongue:

Hilarious, jonny.

Well done guys!!

Iv been hiding too lads but on the plus side Iv bought another exige back in December,

What have I missed lately ?